Kamis, 03 September 2009

cheats gta san andreas ps2

3 in 1 To put three cars in one garage first fill your garage with 2 cars. Untuk menempatkan tiga mobil dalam satu garasi dulu mengisi garasi Anda dengan 2 mobil. Then when you try to put the third car it will say that you can't put any more cars. Kemudian ketika Anda mencoba untuk menempatkan mobil ketiga akan mengatakan bahwa anda tidak dapat menambahkan lagi mobil. Park your car outside the garage, then get off the car. Memarkir mobil di luar garasi, lalu turun dari mobil. The garage will open, then quickly get back into your car and put it in the garage. Garasi akan terbuka, lalu dengan cepat kembali ke mobil Anda dan meletakkannya di garasi. After that save the game and when you check the garage you should have your three cars. Setelah itu menyimpan permainan dan ketika Anda memeriksa garasi Anda harus memiliki tiga mobil Anda.
[ Report ] | [ SOUTHSIDEELBigBear ] [Laporan] | [SOUTHSIDEELBigBear] Recruit as many gang members as you want. Merekrut anggota geng sebanyak yang Anda inginkan. Then get to your safehouse. Kemudian mendapatkan safehouse Anda. Go inside the garage with your homies and then come out instantly, this will cause the garage door to close and your homies will stay inside the garage safe and sound. Masuk ke dalam garasi dengan homies Anda dan kemudian keluar langsung, ini akan menyebabkan pintu garasi untuk menutup dan homies Anda akan tetap berada di dalam garasi yang aman dan sehat.
[ Report ] | [ noname ] [Laporan] | [noname] During game play press R2, CIRCLE, R1, L2, LEFT, R1, L1, R2, L2. Selama permainan game tekan R2, CIRCLE, R1, L2, LEFT, R1, L1, R2, L2.
[ Report ] [Report] Press SQUARE, L1, R1, RIGHT, X, UP, L1, LEFT, LEFT. Tekan SQUARE, L1, R1, KANAN, X, UP, L1, LEFT, LEFT. Clock stopped at 00:00. Jam berhenti di 00:00. Weird sudden weather changes. Aneh tiba-tiba cuaca berubah. If you kill yourself, the time stays at 12:00. Jika Anda bunuh diri, waktu tinggal di 12:00.
[ Report ] | [ Rendon ] [Laporan] | [Rendon] Walk up to any arcade machine or console system in the game and press triangle, you will be able to play retroesque arcade games. Berjalan ke setiap mesin arcade atau sistem konsol permainan dan tekan segitiga, Anda akan dapat memainkan game arcade retroesque.
[ Report ] [Report] Have you ever wanted to fly this instead of fly in it? Pernahkah Anda ingin terbang terbang ini bukan di dalamnya? Well, just go to the large hangar in the south east of Las Venturas Airport and wait for the massive door to open. Yah, hanya pergi ke hanggar besar di bagian tenggara Las Venturas Bandara dan menunggu pintu besar terbuka. (it opens from top to bottom so be patient). (dibuka dari atas ke bawah sehingga bersabar). Then, go up the staircase on the left and head to the passenger airliner's door. Kemudian, naik tangga di sebelah kiri dan kepala ke pintu pesawat penumpang. Press triangle to get in and then reverse out the hangar on to the runway. Tekan segitiga untuk masuk dan kemudian berbalik arah keluar hanggar ke landasan pacu. Flying it takes practise however... Terbang diperlukan Namun berlatih ...
[ Report ] | [ Ferret ] [Laporan] | [Ferret] When you have a basketball in your hands tap triangle or square to do some little tricks. Bila Anda memiliki sebuah bola basket di tangan Anda tekan segitiga atau persegi untuk melakukan sedikit trik.
[ Report ] [Report] Be Sonny Forreli out of Grand Theft Auto Vice City in San Andreas by pressing in game play Up, Down, Circle, Left, Up, Square, R1, Triangle. Jadilah Sonny Forreli keluar dari Grand Theft Auto Vice City di San Andreas dengan menekan dalam permainan game Up, Down, Circle, Waktu, Up, Square, R1, Triangle.
[ Report ] | [ Rhys ] [Laporan] | [Rhys] All pedestrians spawn as girls in swimsuits/beach attire, vehicles are beach vehicles and the player is dressed in shorts and flip-flops. Semua pejalan kaki spawn seperti gadis-gadis dalam pakaian renang / pantai pakaian, kendaraan kendaraan pantai dan pemain mengenakan celana pendek dan sandal jepit. Press UP, UP, Down, Down, Square, Circle, L1, R1, Triangle, Down. Tekan UP, UP, Down, Down, Square, Circle, L1, R1, Triangle, Down.
[ Report ] [Report] After obtaining a high gambling skill, gamble in Caligua's until you have actually lost money. Setelah mendapat keterampilan perjudian tinggi, berjudi di Caligua's sampai Anda benar-benar kehilangan uang. (Your money will turn red). (Uang Anda akan berubah menjadi merah). After a while you will receive a call from a mobster at Caligua's, who informs you that you owe him money. Setelah beberapa saat, Anda akan menerima telepon dari seorang mafia di Caligua's, yang memberitahu Anda bahwa Anda berutang uang kepadanya. Later again, he will call you and tell you that some of his "associates" are coming to talk about the money. Kemudian lagi, ia akan menghubungi Anda dan mengatakan kepada Anda bahwa sebagian dari "rekan" yang datang untuk bicara tentang uang. You will then be hunted down by the mafia, and they will try to kill you. Anda kemudian akan dikejar-kejar oleh mafia, dan mereka akan mencoba untuk membunuh Anda.
[ Report ] [Report] You first have to have weapons 3 in and then go to the no fly zone base, then get out you're automatic rifle aim at a bird flying around then SHOOT, the bird disappears into thin air. Pertama Anda harus memiliki senjata 3 dalam dan kemudian pergi ke pangkalan zona tidak terbang, kemudian keluar Anda senapan otomatis bertujuan burung beterbangan kemudian SHOOT, burung menghilang ke udara. It might take a few bullets but you'll eventually get it. Mungkin diperlukan beberapa peluru tapi kau akan akhirnya mendapatkannya.
[ Report ] | [ TheRob ] [Laporan] | [TheRob] This code will give you a black police car. Kode ini akan memberi Anda mobil polisi hitam.

It can also be used for Ambulance and Fire Engine. Dapat juga digunakan untuk Ambulance dan Fire Engine.

First Thing You have to do is enter the code: First Thing Anda harus lakukan adalah masukkan kode:
X, X, Down, R2, L2, O, R1, O, Square X, X, Down, R2, L2, O, R1, O, Square

This code is for the Japanese Theme Kode ini adalah untuk Jepang Theme

It turns all automobiles black and everyone rides a black FCR - 900 Ternyata semua mobil hitam dan semua orang menunggang FCR hitam - 900

Once you have done this, find yourself a police car and steal it and put it in one of your garages at your safe houses, then re-enter the above code to de-activate the cheat. Setelah Anda melakukan ini, menemukan diri sebuah mobil polisi dan mencuri itu dan memasukkannya ke dalam salah satu garasi di rumah aman Anda, kemudian masukkan kembali kode di atas ke de-mengaktifkan cheat.

When you take the police car out, it is still black but everything else is back to Normal. Ketika Anda mengambil mobil polisi keluar, masih hitam tetapi segala sesuatu yang lain kembali ke Normal.
[ Report ] | [ Nathan ] [Laporan] | [Nathan]

During game play press CIRCLE, L2, UP, R1, LEFT, X, R1, L1, LEFT, CIRCLE. Selama permainan game tekan LINGKARAN, L2, UP, R1, LEFT, X, R1, L1, LEFT, CIRCLE.
[ Report ] [Report] If you shoot the man in any cars make sure that you shoot him with a shotgun or stronger weapon and the car is about to slow down. Jika Anda menembak laki-laki di mobil manapun pastikan bahwa Anda menembaknya dengan senapan atau senjata yang lebih kuat dan mobil sekitar melambat. If you shoot succesfully the car will stop but the man is going to stay in for a couple of seconds with a little blood effect. Jika Anda berhasil menembak mobil akan berhenti tetapi orang yang akan tinggal di selama beberapa detik dengan sedikit efek darah.
[ Report ] | [ FarkasÁdám ] [Laporan] | [FarkasÁdám] During gameplay, press R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1. Selama permainan, tekan R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1.
[ Report ] [Report] During game play press DOWN, UP, UP, UP, X, R2, R1, L2, L2. Selama permainan game tekan DOWN, UP, UP, UP, X, R2, R1, L2, L2.
[ Report ] [Report] On the San Fierro side of the Gant Bridge, there's a little diner. Di San Fierro sisi Gant Jembatan, ada restoran kecil. In the parking lot area, there's a sign with various statistical facts about the bridge, like how many MBs of memory it takes up. Di tempat parkir luas, ada tanda dengan berbagai fakta statistik tentang jembatan, seperti berapa banyak MBs memori tidak memakan. It also shows an actual piece of cable on display. Ini juga menunjukkan aktual sepotong kabel pada layar.
[ Report ] [Report] During the mission 'High Stakes, Low Rider', keep the competition closely behind you until the pier finish line. Selama misi 'High Stakes, Low Rider', menjaga kompetisi dekat di belakang Anda sampai dermaga garis finish. Once the race is over the other cars appear behind you. Setelah perlombaan selesai mobil-mobil lain muncul di belakang Anda. With another car or by just walking, push Ceasar's red car up the pier and over the edge of the sidewalk into your nearby safe house garage to the left. Dengan mobil lain atau dengan hanya berjalan kaki, mendorong mobil merah Ceasar di dermaga dan di tepi trotoar ke dalam garasi rumah aman di dekatnya ke kiri. What's the point of all this? Apa gunanya semua ini? Not only is it a pimp red car, it's also bullet proof, which helps alot this early in the game. Bukan hanya karena mobil merah germo, itu juga peluru bukti, yang membantu banyak ini di awal permainan.
[ Report ] [Report] Take your memory card that has Vice City saved on it and load it on to San Andreas. Ambil kartu memori Anda yang telah Wakil Kota disimpan di atasnya dan beban pada ke San Andreas.
[ Report ] [Report] In the safe house on top of the big ass hill. Dalam rumah aman di atas bukit pantat besar. inside it is a picture of candy suxxx also found in vice city. di dalamnya adalah gambar permen suxxx wakil juga ditemukan di kota.
[ Report ] | [ affrozach ] [Laporan] | [affrozach] In Los Santos go to the vine wood sign go behind it and go to the V in Vinewood you will find a cane as a weapon and can kill someone in 2-3 hits. Di Los Santos pergi ke kayu pohon anggur tanda pergi di belakang dan pergi ke V di Vinewood Anda akan menemukan tongkat sebagai senjata dan dapat membunuh seseorang dalam waktu 2-3 hits.
[ Report ] [Report] To make all cars have nitrous, press Left, Triangle, R1, L1, Up, Square, Triangle, Down, Circle, L2, L1, L1. Untuk membuat semua mobil telah nitrat, tekan Kiri, Triangle, R1, L1, Up, Square, Triangle, Down, Circle, L2, L1, L1. This is a really cool cheat because you get it for free! Ini benar-benar keren curang karena Anda mendapatkannya gratis!
[ Report ] | [ FireElementLord ] [Laporan] | [FireElementLord] When talking on the cellphone, press Triangle to end the conversation then quickly switch to the tec9, in your hands you will have a cellphone that shoots!(deactivates when you enter a vehicle) Ketika berbicara di ponsel, tekan segitiga untuk mengakhiri percakapan lalu dengan cepat beralih ke tec9, di tangan Anda, Anda akan memiliki ponsel yang menembak! (Dinonaktifkan bila Anda memasukkan kendaraan)
[ Report ] [Report] Shoot the moon with the sniper rifle and it will grow until it reaches a certain size when he will shrink when you shoot it again. Menembak bulan dengan senapan penembak jitu dan akan tumbuh hingga mencapai ukuran tertentu ketika ia akan menyusut ketika Anda menembak lagi.
[ Report ] [Report] Another way to easily complete every race in the Chilliad Challengeis quite simple, throw a grenade at your opponent(s) and they will be eliminated from the race. Cara lain untuk dengan mudah menyelesaikan setiap ras di Chilliad Challengeis cukup sederhana, melempar granat di lawan (s) dan mereka akan dihilangkan dari perlombaan. Normally, using a weapon will get you disqualified, but using a grenade is fine by the games standards, and this method is a lot less cheap than the other one for this challenge, and works just as effectively. Biasanya, menggunakan senjata akan membuat Anda didiskualifikasi, tetapi menggunakan sebuah granat baik-baik saja dengan standar permainan, dan metode ini yang jauh lebih murah daripada yang lain untuk tantangan ini, dan bekerja sama secara efektif.
[ Report ] [Report] Go to the gym in Las Venturas, and through the bomb garage next to it. Pergi ke gym di Las Venturas, dan melalui garasi bom di sebelahnya. Stand in that alley and look at the building across the street to your right; and you'll see people jumping and walking off the roof. Berdiri di gang itu dan melihat gedung di seberang jalan ke kanan dan Anda akan melihat orang melompat dan berjalan dari atap. It will only happen if you stand in that alley and watch it from there. Hanya akan terjadi jika Anda berdiri di gang itu dan menonton dari sana. It's pretty much a Lemmings Easter Egg since Rockstar North made Lemmings (the company was known as DMA then) It's pretty much a Lemmings Easter Egg sejak Rockstar North dibuat Lemmings (perusahaan ini dikenal sebagai DMA lalu)
[ Report ] [Report]

To get Civilians as fast food workers & clowns, and CJ is a clown, cars are pizza scooters instead enter in the following cheat while in game play .Triangle, Triangle, L1, Square, Square, Circle, Square, Down, Circle. Untuk mendapatkan makanan cepat saji Sipil sebagai pekerja & badut, dan CJ adalah seorang badut, mobil skuter pizza bukannya masuk cheat berikut sementara dalam bermain game. Triangle, Triangle, L1, Square, Square, Circle, Square, Down, Circle.
[ Report ] [Report] CJ has the ability to bunny hop on the BMX over massive distances. CJ memiliki kemampuan untuk kelinci melompat pada jarak BMX lebih besar. Press Triangle, Square, Circle, Circle, Square, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, L2, R1, R2. Press Triangle, Square, Circle, Circle, Square, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, L2, R1, R2.
[ Report ] [Report] While playing game, press L1, L2, R1, R2(2), R1, L2, Triangle. Saat bermain game, tekan L1, L2, R1, R2 (2), R1, L2, Triangle.
[ Report ] [Report] Press Right, L2, Down, R1, Left(2), R1, L1, L2, L1 during game play. Tekan Kanan, L2, Down, R1, Kiri (2), R1, L1, L2, L1 selama bermain game. A message will confirm correct code entry. Sebuah pesan akan mengkonfirmasi entri kode yang benar.
[ Report ] [Report] For this cheat it does not matter what day it is but it must be dark outside. Untuk cheat ini tidak masalah hari ini hari apa tetapi harus gelap di luar. When it is dark look up in the sky and keep searching for a cluster of stars. Ketika gelap menengadah di langit dan terus mencari sekelompok bintang. If you do find one youll see that the stars a in a constellation of the rockstar logo it has tiny stars that make the R and 1 big star in the bottom right corner for he actual star on the logo. Jika Anda menemukan satu kamu akan melihat bahwa bintang-bintang yang dalam konstelasi dari logo rockstar memiliki bintang-bintang kecil yang membuat R dan 1 bintang besar di pojok kanan bawah karena ia sebenarnya bintang pada logo.
[ Report ] | [ tripleoverkill ] [Laporan] | [tripleoverkill] In the mission, "Lure" for Wozzie, you will have to lure the Viatnamese out into the countryside. Dalam misi, "Lure" untuk Wozzie, Anda akan memiliki membujuk Viatnamese ke pedesaan. When doing this, you have to take a Rancher SUV. Saat melakukan ini, Anda harus mengambil Rancher SUV. During the mission, the SUV will be dent-proof, meaning that it won't get dented by anything. Selama misi, SUV akan penyok-bukti, yang berarti bahwa tidak akan penyok oleh apa pun. To keep it, just go to one of your safe houses with a garage and store it there,and boom, you'll have a dent-proof Rancher. Untuk menyimpannya, hanya pergi ke salah satu rumah aman Anda dengan sebuah garasi dan toko di sana, dan booming, Anda akan memiliki lekuk-bukti Rancher. If you decide to finish the mission, keep the Rancher and shoot it. Jika Anda memutuskan untuk menyelesaikan misi, menjaga Rancher dan menembak itu. You will notice that it is invincible to bullets or even the rocket launcher!! Anda akan melihat bahwa tak terkalahkan untuk peluru atau bahkan roket peluncur!! So, store it in your garage, and you will have a bulletproof Rancher. Jadi, simpan dalam garasi Anda, dan Anda akan memiliki peluru Rancher.
[ Report ] | [ Sunae ] [Laporan] | [Sunae] There are 2 ways to get a dozer the first one is enter the cheat R2 L1 L1 -> -> up up X L1 <-. Ada 2 cara untuk mendapatkan dozer yang pertama adalah masukkan cheat R2 L1 L1 -> -> sampai ke atas X L1 <-. The other way is to go to hunter quarry and enter the mission but run off with the dozer. Cara lain adalah pergi ke pemburu tambang dan masukkan misi tetapi kabur dengan dozer.
[ Report ] | [ omegaSHENRON ] [Laporan] | [omegaSHENRON] During game play press RIGHT, R2, CIRCLE, R1, L2, SQUARE, R1, R2. Selama permainan game tekan KANAN, R2, CIRCLE, R1, L2, SQUARE, R1, R2.
[ Report ] [Report] To drive under water first want to put on infinite oxygen press Down, Left, L1, Down, Down, R2, Down, L2, Down while playing the game, have a car(any kind)put on cars can fly Up, Down, L1, R1, L1, Right, Left, L1, Left while playing the game, and then find some water drive in sink to the bottom, and go! Untuk drive pertama di bawah air ingin mengenakan oksigen tak terbatas tekan Bawah, Kiri, L1, Down, Down, R2, Down, L2, Down saat bermain permainan, punya mobil (semua jenis) memakai mobil bisa terbang Up, Down, L1, R1, L1, Kanan, Kiri, L1, Waktu saat bermain permainan, dan kemudian menemukan air mengemudi di tenggelam ke dasar, dan pergi!
[ Report ] | [ Narutofan ] [Laporan] | [narutofan] After you finish the 'High Stakes, Low-Rider' Mission, Cesar and his car stay at the finish line, doors locked. Setelah Anda menyelesaikan 'High Stakes, Low-Rider' Misi, Cesar dan mobilnya tinggal di garis finish, pintu terkunci. You can push the car to the nearest garage and the doors will become unlocked. Anda dapat mendorong mobil ke bengkel terdekat dan pintu-pintu akan menjadi terkunci. The car stays bulletproof until you save your game. Mobil tetap antipeluru sampai Anda menyimpan permainan.
[ Report ] [Report] When you're with Big Smoke for the mission Wrong Side Of The Tracks here's some things that'll make it easier for you. Ketika Anda dengan Big Asap untuk misi Wrong Side Of The Tracks berikut adalah beberapa hal yang akan membuatnya lebih mudah bagi Anda. First put in the 3rd weapon set cheat (R1, R2, L1, R2, left, down, right, up, left, down, down, down) then go to your 3rd gun in the set. Pertama memasukkan senjata ke-3 mengatur menipu (R1, R2, L1, R2, kiri, bawah, kanan, atas, kiri, turun, turun, turun) kemudian pergi ke 3 pistol di set. Now when Vegas gang are on the train, don't chase the train, go far in front of it and wait until the train comes. Sekarang ketika Vegas geng berada di kereta, jangan mengejar kereta, pergi jauh di depannya dan menunggu sampai kereta datang. When its comes close lock on each of the people and shoot and kill them. Ketika datang dekat kunci di masing-masing orang dan menembak dan membunuh mereka. When the first car past get back on your dirtbike and do the same thing 3-4 times and you should have killed all of them. Ketika mobil pertama kembali ke masa lalu dirtbike Anda dan melakukan hal yang sama 3-4 kali dan Anda harus telah membunuh mereka semua. But you'll have to be quick or else the train is going to past you and you'll fail. Tapi kau harus cepat atau kereta yang akan melewati Anda dan Anda akan gagal.
[ Report ] | [ Moe ] [Laporan] | [Moe] Once the game starts simply hold the joystick in one direction and the aliens' fire will never hit you. Begitu permainan dimulai hanya memegang joystick dalam satu arah dan alien 'api akan pernah memukul Anda. If you fire while doing this you can easily rack up points without ever dying. Jika Anda api sementara melakukan hal ini anda dapat dengan mudah rak hingga poin tanpa pernah mati.
[ Report ] [Report] When you get to the time that you have to date Millie so she will give you a password, most people do it till' the end. Ketika Anda sampai ke waktu yang Anda harus tanggal Millie sehingga dia akan memberikan password, kebanyakan orang melakukannya sampai 'akhir. But there's an easier way. Tapi ada cara yang lebih mudah. Take her on a date, and simply kill her. Mengajaknya kencan, dan hanya membunuhnya. A few moments later, Woozie will call you and tell you that the key card is in her house. Beberapa saat kemudian, Woozie akan menghubungi Anda dan memberitahu Anda bahwa kartu kunci di rumahnya. Go to Millie's house and get it. Pergi ke rumah Millie dan mendapatkannya. It's very easy! Ini sangat mudah!
[ Report ] | [ Valter ] [Laporan] | [Valter] Press L1, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE, L1, L1, SQUARE, L2, UP, DOWN, LEFT. Tekan L1, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE, L1, L1, SQUARE, L2, UP, DOWN, LEFT.
[ Report ] | [ Rendon ] [Laporan] | [Rendon] Take the gun you want to be upgraded and aim it at a tire of any vechicle. Ambil pistol Anda ingin ditingkatkan dan mengarahkannya pada ban vechicle apapun. Then just keep firing and your skill builds up quick. Kemudian terus menembak dan membangun keterampilan Anda dengan cepat.
[ Report ] [Report] During game play press RIGHT, R1, UP, L2, L2, LEFT, R1, L1, R1, R1. Selama permainan game tekan KANAN, R1, UP, L2, L2, LEFT, R1, L1, R1, R1.
[ Report ] [Report] Press RIGHT, R1, UP, L2, L2, LEFT, R1, L1, R1, R1. Tekan KANAN, R1, UP, L2, L2, LEFT, R1, L1, R1, R1.
[ Report ] [Report] During game play press TRIANGLE, UP, SQUARE, SQUARE, L2, L1, SQUARE. Selama permainan game tekan SEGITIGA, UP, SQUARE, SQUARE, L2, L1, SQUARE.
[ Report ] [Report] Maximum fat. Maksimum lemak. Press Triangle, UP, UP, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Down. Tekan Segitiga, UP, UP, Kiri, Kanan, Square, Circle, Down.
[ Report ] [Report] In the mission "Wu Zi Mu," your "girlfriend" will start to attack you and leave you for Fido, the character you play as in GTA3. Dalam misi "Wu Zi Mu," Anda "pacar" akan mulai menyerang Anda dan meninggalkan Anda untuk Fido, karakter Anda bermain seperti di GTA3. The mission has you racing against him and 2 others. Misi telah Anda berpacu melawan dia dan 2 orang lain. After the race, she and Fido leave for Liberty City. Setelah lomba, ia dan Fido berangkat Liberty City.
[ Report ] [Report] Press Square(2), R2, Left, Up, Square, R2, X(3) during game play. Tekan Square (2), R2, Kiri, Up, Square, R2, X (3) selama bermain game. A message will confirm correct code entry. Sebuah pesan akan mengkonfirmasi entri kode yang benar. Although this appears to be a valid code, it has no discernible effect in the game. Meskipun hal ini tampaknya merupakan kode yang sah, tidak memiliki efek yang dapat dibedakan dalam permainan.
[ Report ] [Report] While playing the game, press Square, R2, Down, Down, Left, Down, Left, Left, L2, X. This will make your car fly and you can go anywhere. Sementara memainkan permainan, tekan Square, R2, Bawah, Bawah, Kiri, Bawah, Kiri, Kiri, L2, X. Hal ini akan membuat mobil Anda terbang dan Anda dapat pergi ke mana pun. You will still get the 4 star wanted level if you are entering an area that you haven't unlocked yet. Anda akan tetap mendapatkan tingkat ingin bintang 4 jika Anda memasuki wilayah yang belum belum dibuka.
[ Report ] | [ FireElementLord ] [Laporan] | [FireElementLord] During game play press R2, CIRCLE, UP, L1, RIGHT, R1, RIGHT, UP, SQUARE, TRIANGLE. Selama permainan game tekan R2, CIRCLE, UP, L1, RIGHT, R1, RIGHT, UP, SQUARE, SEGITIGA.
[ Report ] [Report] To make fish fly on San Andreas go to the Easter Bay Airport and search around the perimeter. Untuk membuat ikan terbang di San Andreas pergi ke Bandara Bay Paskah dan mencari di sekeliling perimeter. There should be 3 water tanks next to each other. Harus ada tangki air 3 berdampingan. Between them is a heat seeker bazooka. Antara mereka adalah pencari panas bazoka. Pick it up. Mengambilnya. Go to any beach or bit of land in the shallow end and bazooka the fish that swim by. Pergi ke pantai atau ada sedikit tanah di kolam yang dangkal dan bazoka ikan yang berenang oleh. If you hit them they will fly out of the water and swim off. Jika anda menekan mereka, mereka akan terbang keluar dari air dan berenang. This DOES NOT work on jellyfish or turtles. TIDAK ini bekerja pada ubur-ubur atau kura-kura. I am not sure about dolphins though. Saya tidak yakin tentang lumba-lumba though. Jellyfish will just splash. Ubur-ubur hanya akan splash.
[ Report ] | [ NatashaDenning ] [Laporan] | [NatashaDenning] During game play press R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, X. Selama permainan game tekan R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, X.
[ Report ] [Report] Go to any Ammu-nation that has a shooting range. Pergi ke mana pun Ammu-bangsa yang memiliki tembak. Enter the shooting range with a weapon that is sold at Ammu-nation and exit it. Masukkan tembak dengan senjata yang dijual di Ammu-bangsa dan keluar itu. When you exit, you will get more ammo. Bila Anda keluar, Anda akan mendapatkan lebih banyak amunisi. Repeat as many times as needed. Ulangi sebanyak yang dibutuhkan.
[ Report ] [Report] You must have purchased the airplane junk yard already. Anda harus telah membeli pesawat halaman sampah sudah. Go to the airport that hosts the aircraft races. Pergi ke bandara bahwa pesawat host ras. Choose the military race. Pilih ras militer. Once race starts, fly the hydra into your hangar. Begitu perlombaan dimulai, menerbangkan hydra ke hanggar. Get out and leave You will be disqualified. Keluar dan meninggalkan Anda akan didiskualifikasi. Go to the airplane junk yard and enter the hanger. Pergi ke halaman sampah pesawat dan masukkan gantungan. The hydra will be there. Para ular naga akan ada di sana.
[ Report ] | [ Kevin ] [Laporan] | [Kevin] Tired of having the garages take away your beloved paint jobs on your cars? Lelah memiliki garasi mengambil pekerjaan cat tercinta Anda di mobil Anda? Don't want to spend $500 on a pretty flame paint job? Tidak ingin menghabiskan $ 500 untuk cat api yang cukup pekerjaan? Take your vehicle of choice to the Mod Shops across the state. Ambil pilihan kendaraan Anda ke toko Mod di seluruh negara bagian. When you are in the shop, highlight your painting of choice. Ketika Anda berada di toko, sorot lukisan pilihan Anda. Now press X and then Triangle VERY Quickly. Sekarang tekan X dan kemudian Segitiga SANGAT Cepat. Your car should have the paint job and you don't have to pay the money. Mobil Anda harus memiliki pekerjaan cat dan Anda tidak harus membayar uang. However, this doesn't work with anything else. Namun, hal ini tidak bekerja dengan hal lain. (colors, spoilers etc.) Also note that this will not fix up your car, and it will still be beat up. (warna, spoiler dll) Juga catat bahwa hal ini tidak akan memperbaiki mobil Anda, dan itu akan tetap dipukuli.
[ Report ] [Report] On the pause screen's map, look in between foster valley and easter bay airport, look right under the easter bay airport and find a highway that swings into the airport and look for a brown area look in the ditches and you'll find a PCJ. Pada layar jeda peta, lihat di antara lembah dan easter asuh bandara teluk, lihat tepat di bawah teluk easter bandara dan menemukan jalan raya yang ayunan ke bandara dan mencari daerah cokelat melihat ke dalam parit dan Anda akan menemukan PCJ.
[ Report ] | [ kevin ] [Laporan] | [kevin] R1, R2, L1, X, left, down, right, up, left, down, right, up. R1, R2, L1, X, kiri, bawah, kanan, atas, kiri, bawah, kanan, atas.
[ Report ] | [ HappyHugh ] [Laporan] | [HappyHugh] Enter this code during game play: TRIANGLE, TRIANGLE, L1, SQUARE, SQUARE, CIRCLE, SQUARE, DOWN, CIRCLE. Masukkan kode ini selama permainan game: SEGITIGA, SEGITIGA, L1, SQUARE, SQUARE, CIRCLE, SQUARE, DOWN, CIRCLE.
[ Report ] [Report] If you import a car at the docks, most but not all cars have plates that differ from normal ones. Jika Anda mengimpor sebuah mobil di dermaga, sebagian besar tapi tidak semua mobil memiliki plat yang berbeda dari yang normal. One says "our fergie", or "disco stu", and a really special one says "ea sucks". Satu kata "fergie kami", atau "disco stu", dan yang benar-benar istimewa, mengatakan "ea sucks". Try it out. Mencobanya.
[ Report ] [Report] Get a jetpack and fly to the top of the gant bridge. Dapatkan jetpack dan terbang ke bagian atas jembatan Gant. At the top is a sign saying: "There are no easter eggs up here. Go away." Di atas adalah sebuah tanda berkata: "Tidak ada telur easter di sini. Pergi."
[ Report ] [Report] Hop the fence to the Los Santos airport, hop in the SHAMAL, and keep flying it for about 25 minutes. Hop pagar Los Santos ke bandara, naik ke Shamal, dan terus terbang selama sekitar 25 menit. In the upper right hand corner of the screen, it will say to keep practicing to obtain a pilot's license. Di sudut kanan atas layar, ia akan berkata untuk terus berlatih untuk mendapatkan lisensi pilot. Fly for about 10 minutes more, and you will obtain a pilot's license and have access to all airports! Terbang selama 10 menit lagi, dan Anda akan mendapatkan lisensi pilot dan memiliki akses ke semua bandara!
[ Report ] [Report] During game play press L1, R1, R2, L2, X, square, triangle, circle. Selama permainan game tekan L1, R1, R2, L2, X, persegi, segitiga, lingkaran.
[ Report ] | [ jordan ] [Laporan] | [jordan] Go to the airport in Los Santos and find the main gate into the airport when you get to the main gate the man in the little building next to the gate will say you need to go to pilot school well he is wrong get any bicycle and opposite the main entrance to the right inside a gap are some stairs go up the stairs and ride along the roof and bunny hop over the gate from the roof then you will have free access to both planes inside. Pergi ke bandara di Los Santos dan menemukan gerbang utama ke bandara ketika anda masuk ke gerbang utama pria di bangunan kecil sebelah gerbang akan mengatakan Anda harus pergi ke sekolah percontohan baik dia salah mendapatkan sepeda dan berlawanan pintu masuk utama ke kanan di dalam sebuah kesenjangan adalah beberapa tangga naik tangga dan naik di sepanjang atap dan kelinci melompati gerbang dari atap maka Anda akan memiliki akses gratis ke kedua pesawat dalam.
[ Report ] | [ Tommy ] [Laporan] | [Tommy] In a helicopter you won't get any stars if you use the chaingun for blowing up cars instead of the rockets. Dalam sebuah helikopter Anda tidak akan mendapatkan bintang jika Anda menggunakan chaingun untuk meledakkan mobil bukan roket. Even if they're right behind the guy you're shooting. Bahkan jika mereka benar di belakang pria yang Anda menembak. As long as you don't kill any pedestrians or hit a cop car with a stray bullet. Selama anda tidak membunuh menabrak pejalan kaki atau mobil polisi dengan peluru nyasar.
[ Report ] [Report] Pimp Outfit - Get your relationship to 100 percent with Denise Robinson Pimp Pakaian - Dapatkan hubungan Anda hingga 100 persen dengan Denise Robinson
Medic Outfit - Get your relationship to 100 percent with Katie Zhan Medic Pakaian - Dapatkan hubungan Anda hingga 100 persen dengan Katie Zhan
Racing Outfit - Get your relationship to 100 percent with Michelle Pakaian balap - Dapatkan hubungan Anda hingga 100 persen dengan Michelle
Police Outfit - Get your relationship to 100 percent with Barbara Polisi Pakaian - Dapatkan hubungan Anda hingga 100 persen dengan Barbara
Overalls Outfit - Get your relationship to 100 percent with Helena Overall Pakaian - Dapatkan hubungan Anda hingga 100 persen dengan Helena
Gimp Suit - Get your relationship to 100 percent with Millie Gimp Suit - Dapatkan hubungan Anda hingga 100 persen dengan Millie
Croupier Outfit - Complete the mission "Breaking the bank at Caliqula's" Bandar Pakaian - Lengkapi misi "Breaking the bank di Caliqula's"
Valet Outfit - Complete the mission "555 We Tip" Valet Pakaian - Lengkapi misi "555 Kita Tip"
[ Report ] [Report] To make a Rhino tank fall from the sky, press the following during gameplay: CIRCLE, CIRCLE, L1, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, L1, L2, R1, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE. Untuk membuat tangki Rhino jatuh dari langit, tekan selama bermain game berikut: LINGKARAN, LINGKARAN, L1, LINGKARAN, LINGKARAN, LINGKARAN, L1, L2, R1, SEGITIGA, LINGKARAN, SEGITIGA.
[ Report ] [Report] To get the Katana, during gameplay, press: X, X, DOWN, R2, L2, CIRCLE, R1, CIRCLE, SQUARE. Untuk mendapatkan Katana, selama bermain game, tekan: X, X, DOWN, R2, L2, CIRCLE, R1, CIRCLE, SQUARE.
[ Report ] | [ EthanMoore ] [Laporan] | [EthanMoore] Go to Big Smoke's Crackhouse, it's a little Northeast of the Stadium in Los Santos. Pergi ke Big Smoke's Crackhouse, itu sedikit Northeast dari Stadion di Los Santos. The front of it is a greenish blue. Depan itu adalah biru kehijauan. To get inside just get into a Rhino and crash it through the wall, the wall will break apart and you can explore inside. Masuk ke dalam saja masuk ke Rhino dan kecelakaan melalui dinding, tembok akan pecah dan Anda dapat mencari di dalamnya. Theres nobody else inside and you can explore the multiple levels the building. Theres tidak ada orang lain di dalam dan Anda dapat menjelajahi beberapa tingkat gedung. When you get to the top floor (penthouse). Ketika Anda sampai ke lantai teratas (penthouse). Theres a big statue of Smoke and in his room is a bed, bathroom. Theres patung besar Asap dan di kamarnya adalah tempat tidur, kamar mandi. sprunk machine, and even a few video games. sprunk mesin, dan bahkan beberapa video game.
[ Report ] [Report] Pick any weapon that you find on the streets (not from human)and save the game.When you go back to the place where you found the it will be there again. Pilih senjata apa pun yang Anda temukan di jalanan (bukan dari manusia) dan menyimpan game.When Anda kembali ke tempat di mana Anda menemukan itu akan berada di sana lagi.
[ Report ] | [ FarkasÁdám ] [Laporan] | [FarkasÁdám] Pick up any weapon that you find on the streets(not from human and not from shop)go to the safe house and save your game.Get out from the safe house and go back to the place where you picked up the weapon.The weapon is going to be there again.You can repeat this cheat. Mengambil senjata apa pun yang Anda temukan di jalanan (bukan dari manusia dan bukan dari toko) pergi ke rumah aman, dan menyimpan game.Get keluar dari rumah yang aman dan kembali ke tempat di mana Anda mengambil senjata weapon.The akan berada di sana dapat mengulangi again.You curang ini.
[ Report ] | [ FarkasÁdám ] [Laporan] | [FarkasÁdám] You follow the fence of the airport round, in a car. Anda mengikuti pagar bandara bulat, di dalam mobil. When you get to a wall and the fence has stopped. Ketika Anda sampai ke dinding dan pagar telah berhenti. jump on your car and climb on the wall. melompat ke mobil Anda dan memanjat di dinding. walk into the air port and find one of two planes. berjalan ke pelabuhan udara dan menemukan salah satu dari dua pesawat.
[ Report ] | [ popster ] [Laporan] | [popster] In back o beyond there are 2 horse shoe formations on the map some of you probably know there is a glendale there but behind that lies a terrifying mystery... O luar di belakang ada 2 sepatu kuda formasi pada peta beberapa di antara Anda mungkin tahu ada Glendale ada tetapi di balik itu terdapat sebuah misteri menakutkan ...

When the glendale appears a battered car will come flying out of the bushes and crash into a tree the car will have already been started and one headlight on can you unravvel this mystery???!??! Ketika Glendale muncul sebuah mobil usang akan terbang keluar dari semak-semak dan menabrak pohon mobil sudah akan dimulai dan satu lampu pada Anda dapat unravvel misteri ini ???!??!
[ Report ] | [ fate ] [Laporan] | [nasib] This is the oddest thing I stumbled upon in the game. Ini adalah hal yang paling aneh saya stumbled atas dalam permainan. It will take you to a deserted town thats floating in the sky, Its pretty much always night time, and The size of this place is a couple of blocks. Ini akan membawa Anda ke sebuah kota sepi thats mengambang di langit, Its pretty much selalu malam hari, dan Ukuran tempat ini adalah beberapa blok. It resembles the ghetto in Los Santos a little bit, but it was clearly never used in the game. Menyerupai ghetto di Los Santos sedikit, tetapi jelas-jelas tidak pernah digunakan dalam permainan. You can walk through the buildings and stuff too, its pretty weird. Anda dapat berjalan melalui gedung-gedung dan barang-barang juga, yang sangat aneh. Im quite suprised that not everyone knows about this, its not that hard to find. Im cukup terkejut bahwa tidak semua orang tahu tentang hal ini, yang tidak sulit untuk ditemukan.

Okay, first you must go to the safe house in Prickle Pine (Las Venturas). Oke, pertama Anda harus pergi ke rumah yang aman di Prickle Pine (Las Venturas). Its just south of the Yellow Bell Golf Course, and East of the Verdant Meadows Air Strip Its just selatan Yellow Bell Golf Course, dan Timur dari Klorofil Meadows Air Strip

Put on the super jump cheat, because the jet pack will not work inside the house. Mengenakan lompat super curang, karena paket jet tidak akan bekerja di dalam rumah.

Pretend like your leaving the safe house to go outside, but instead, just walk into the corner, to the left of the front door. Berpura-pura seperti Anda aman meninggalkan rumah untuk pergi ke luar, tetapi sebaliknya, hanya berjalan ke pojok, di sebelah kiri pintu depan.

Jump, and you will be up on top of the first floor, but kind of still inside the house. Melompat, dan Anda akan naik di atas lantai pertama, tapi seperti masih di dalam rumah. Everything we'll pretty much be black. Segala sesuatu yang kita akan cukup banyak menjadi hitam.

Walk forward a couple feet, and you will free fall for about 15 sec. Berjalan maju beberapa kaki, dan Anda akan jatuh bebas selama 15 detik. You dont need a shoot, because the fall will not kill you for some reason. Anda butuh dont menembak, karena jatuh tidak akan membunuh anda karena alasan tertentu.

When you land, you'll be on this floating city block, but you'll have to jump a couple more times to get past little barriers. Ketika Anda tanah, Anda akan berada di kota terapung ini blok, tapi Anda harus melompat beberapa kali lagi untuk mendapatkan sedikit melewati hambatan.

Once you get in, you can use the jet pack cheat to explore. Setelah Anda masuk, Anda dapat menggunakan paket jet cheat untuk mengeksplorasi. Its really weird Its really weird

[ Report ] | [ Kal ] [Laporan] | [Kal] When a homie is with you and you have a 2 seated car or more. Ketika seorang Homie adalah dengan Anda dan Anda memiliki mobil duduk 2 atau lebih. Get into the car and hold up just as your homie gets in. CJ will dismiss him but the homie will stay in the car a few seconds, then start driving away with it. Masuk ke dalam mobil dan tahan seperti Homie Anda akan masuk CJ akan memecatnya tetapi Homie akan tinggal di dalam mobil beberapa detik, lalu mulai mengemudi lolos. Perfect for riding around in quads thorugh the countryside. Sempurna untuk naik di sekitar paha thorugh pedesaan.
[ Report ] [Report] On the Green Sabre Mission Where you have to rescue Sweet you will start in between some cars. On the Green Sabre Misi Di mana Anda harus menyelamatkan Sweet Anda akan mulai di antara beberapa mobil. If you havent got a gun, crouch to avoid fire and wait until one of the Grove street Gang members get shot. Jika Anda havent punya pistol, merunduk untuk menghindari api dan tunggu sampai salah satu anggota Geng jalan Grove tertembak. Once he has been shot down take his gun but dont stay behind the cars look left then shoot at the enemy while running towards him, once you have done that work your way round doing that with every enemy and the mission should turn out easier. Sekali ia telah ditembak jatuh mengambil senjatanya tapi dont tinggal di belakang mobil melihat kiri kemudian menembak ke arah musuh sambil berlari ke arahnya, sekali Anda telah melakukan pekerjaan yang sebaliknya Anda melakukan itu dengan setiap musuh dan misi harus berubah menjadi lebih mudah.
[ Report ] | [ DeFJaM ] [Laporan] | [DeFJaM] This cheat enables you to go underground. Cheat ini memungkinkan Anda untuk pergi di bawah tanah. First go the Las Venturas, then go to the stadium and look on one section of the outside wall. Pertama pergi ke Las Venturas, lalu pergi ke stadion dan melihat pada satu bagian dinding luar. Its in a cornner where the slope where the flowers are and one of the walls. Its dalam cornner dimana lereng di mana bunga dan salah satu dinding. Go into the corner and then you will end up on a little platform. Pergilah ke sudut dan kemudian Anda akan berakhir di panggung kecil. If you jump off you will fall into the grey hell but re-appear in the street above. Jika Anda terjun dari Anda akan jatuh ke dalam neraka tapi abu-abu muncul kembali di jalan di atas.
[ Report ] | [ Xfire ] [Laporan] | [Xfire] Enables you to fall from any height and not die. Memungkinkan Anda untuk jatuh dari ketinggian apapun dan tidak mati. This includes airplanes, and any other high building.To enable the glitch, go to the Ganton Gym. Ini termasuk pesawat terbang, dan lain mengaktifkan building.To tinggi glitch, pergi ke Ganton Gym. Use the 'Spawn Jetpack' cheat, and stand at the exit to the gym. Gunakan 'Spawn Jetpack' curang, dan berdiri di pintu keluar ke gym. Fly straight up, and land on the ceiling. Terbang lurus ke atas, dan mendarat di langit-langit. Get rid of the Jetpack, walk to the edge of the room, and jump off the side. Menyingkirkan Jetpack, berjalan ke tepi ruangan, dan melompat dari samping. CJ will fall for about ten seconds, then he will hit the 'ground'. CJ akan jatuh selama sekitar sepuluh detik, maka ia akan mengenai 'tanah'. He won't die, but will have about 5% health left. Dia tidak akan mati, tetapi akan memiliki sekitar 5% kesehatan kiri. Now, kill yourself in any way possible (grenades work good). Sekarang, bunuh diri dengan cara apa pun (granat bekerja baik). You will reappear at the hospital, like normal. Anda akan muncul kembali di rumah sakit, seperti biasa. Now, take a plane, go to max height, and bail without a parachute. Sekarang, naik pesawat, pergi ke max tinggi, dan jaminan tanpa parasut. CJ will fall, make impact, but not die. CJ akan jatuh, membuat dampak, tapi tidak mati. Only works if you have full life, and the glitch enabled. Hanya berfungsi jika anda memiliki hidup yang penuh, dan glitch diaktifkan. Works even after death (as long as its saved). Bekerja bahkan setelah kematian (selama sebagai disimpan).
[ Report ] [Report] Find a katana, then go into two player mode (by finding a icon that shows two red figures). Cari katana, kemudian pergi ke dalam dua modus pemain (dengan mencari sebuah ikon yang menunjukkan dua angka merah). Have player two chop your character's head off, and then when you go back into one-player mode CJ will have no head, and a nasty little blood effect. Pemain memiliki dua memotong kepala karakter Anda, dan kemudian ketika Anda kembali ke modus satu pemain CJ tidak akan memiliki kepala, dan efek darah kecil menjijikkan.
[ Report ] [Report] Tap X fast to go faster on the BMX. Tekan X cepat pergi lebih cepat di BMX.
[ Report ] | [ LeeRobinson ] [Laporan] | [LeeRobinson] Here is a strategy or hint.if you are next to one of CJ's safehouses and your favorite car flew up right there,just push the car into your garage(if you have space),leave,wait for the garage to close,open it back up and wuh la your car is back to normal. Berikut ini adalah strategi atau hint.if Anda di samping salah satu safehouses CJ dan mobil favorit Anda terbang di sana, hanya mendorong mobil ke dalam garasi Anda (jika Anda memiliki spasi), cuti, menunggu garasi untuk menutup, buka kembali ke atas dan wuh la mobil Anda kembali normal.
[ Report ] | [ CJJOHNSON ] [Laporan] | [CJJOHNSON] In the mission riot, there will be a hippie bus parked infront of one of the garages. Dalam misi kerusuhan, akan ada bus yang diparkir hippie Infront salah satu garasi. Kill sweet and then steal the bus and put it in a garage. Membunuh manis dan kemudian mencuri bus dan meletakkannya di sebuah garasi.
[ Report ] [Report] To get Hitman Level on all weapons, press: DOWN, SQUARE, X, LEFT, R1, R2, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, L1, L1, L1. Untuk mendapatkan Hitman Tingkat pada semua senjata, tekan: DOWN, SQUARE, X, LEFT, R1, R2, KIRI, BAWAH, BAWAH, L1, L1, L1.
[ Report ] | [ EthanMoore ] [Laporan] | [EthanMoore] When you finish some missions, listen to the radio. Ketika Anda menyelesaikan beberapa misi, mendengarkan radio. You'll hear the person talking about the mission just passed. Anda akan mendengar orang berbicara tentang misi saja lulus.
[ Report ] [Report] Spawns a Hydra in front of the player. Memunculkan sebuah Hydra di depan pemain. Press Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L1, Down, UP. Press Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L1, Down, UP.
[ Report ] [Report] Enter this code during game play: Ttriangle, Triange, Square, Circle, X, L1, L1, Down, Up. Masukkan kode ini selama permainan game: Ttriangle, Triange, Square, Circle, X, L1, L1, Down, Up.
[ Report ] | [ HappyHugh ] [Laporan] | [HappyHugh] During gameplay enter these codes: Selama bermain game masukkan kode ini:

Hydra: Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L1, Up, Down. Hydra: Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L1, Up, Down.
Vortex: Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L2, Down, Down. Vortex: Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L2, Down, Down.
[ Report ] | [ Laurance ] [Laporan] | [Laurance] Do not move CJ for 2-3 minutes. Jangan bergerak CJ selama 2-3 menit. The display will be removed and the camera will start to follow and zoom into any activity going on. Layar akan dihapus dan kamera akan mulai mengikuti dan memperbesar aktivitas apapun terjadi.
[ Report ] [Report] While playing the game, press Down, X, Right, Left, Right, R1, Right, Down, Up, Triangle. Sementara memainkan permainan, tekan Down, X, Kanan, Kiri, Kanan, R1, Right, Down, Up, Triangle. You will still get damage from falling, drowning, and explosions. Anda akan tetap mendapatkan kerusakan dari jatuh, tenggelam, dan ledakan. Other than that, you will never die. Selain itu, Anda tidak akan pernah mati.
[ Report ] | [ FireElementLord ] [Laporan] | [FireElementLord] Complete the game 100% to receive infinite ammo. Menyelesaikan permainan 100% untuk menerima amunisi tak terbatas. Note that you do not receive a message informing you of this like you did in Vice City. Perhatikan bahwa Anda tidak menerima pesan yang memberitahukan anda tentang hal ini seperti yang Anda lakukan di Vice City.
[ Report ] [Report] Everybody knows the max health,max ammo, money cheat but for the players who want to see how much money you really earn in the game (not 250000$ every cheat) and these are the only one's needed to be succesful by cheating: Semua orang tahu kesehatan maksimum, max amunisi, uang menipu tetapi untuk pemain yang ingin melihat berapa banyak uang yang Anda benar-benar dapat di permainan (bukan 250.000 $ setiap menipu) dan ini adalah satu-satunya yang dibutuhkan untuk sukses dengan menipu:

Vehicle receive tank skills (cars explode when hit) Kendaraan tangki menerima keterampilan (mobil meledak ketika hit)
During gameplay press L1, L2, L2, Up, Down, Down, Up, R1, R2, R2. Selama gameplay menekan L1, L2, L2, Up, Down, Down, Up, R1, R2, R2.

Slow Motion Slow Motion
During gameplay press Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, R2, R1 Selama gameplay tekan Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, R2, R1

Traffic is Fast Cars Lalu lintas Fast Cars
Up, L1, R1, UP, Right, UP, X, L2, X, L1 Up, L1, R1, UP, Kanan, UP, X, L2, X, L1

Traffic is Country Vehicles Lalu lintas Negara Kendaraan
L1, L1, R1, R1, L2, L1, R2, Down, Left, Up L1, L1, R1, R1, L2, L1, R2, Bawah, Kiri, Up

Unlock Hotring Racer #2 Unlock Hotring Racer # 2
During gameplay press R2, L1, Circle, Right, L1, R1, Right, Up, Circle, R2 Selama gameplay tekan R2, L1, Circle, Right, L1, R1, Kanan, Up, Circle, R2

Get All Weapons 2 Dapatkan Semua Senjata 2
During gameplay press R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left Selama gameplay tekan R1, R2, L1, R2, Kiri, Bawah, Kanan, Atas, Kiri, Bawah, Bawah, Kiri

Freeze Your Wanted Level Freeze Your Wanted Level
During gameplay press Circle, Right, Circle, Right, Left, Square, Triangle, Up Selama gameplay tekan Circle, Kanan, Lingkaran, Kanan, Kiri, Square, Triangle, Up

Infinite Oxygen Infinite Oxygen
During gameplay press Down, Left, L1, Down, Down, R2, Down, L2, Down Selama gameplay tekan Bawah, Kiri, L1, Down, Down, R2, Down, L2, Down

Infinite Health Infinite Kesehatan
During gameplay press Down, X, Right, Left, Right, R1, Right, Down, Up, Triangle (ed. note: Problems have been reported with this cheat-it may only work on certain versions of the game!) Selama gameplay tekan Down, X, Kanan, Kiri, Kanan, R1, Right, Down, Up, Triangle (ed. catatan: Masalah telah dilaporkan dengan cheat ini-itu mungkin hanya bekerja pada versi tertentu dari permainan!)

Infinite Ammo Infinite Ammo
During gameplay press L1, R1, Square, R1, Left, R2, R1, Left, Square, Down, L1, L1 Selama gameplay menekan L1, R1, Square, R1, Kiri, R2, R1, Kiri, Square, Down, L1, L1

Enjoy them, if you want to have others for fun there are plenty more here. Nikmati mereka, jika anda ingin memiliki orang lain untuk bersenang-senang ada banyak lagi di sini.
[ Report ] | [ KingJenne ] [Laporan] | [KingJenne] During Gameplay - Down, X, Right, Left, Right, R1, Right, Down, Up, Triangle Selama gameplay - Down, X, Kanan, Kiri, Kanan, R1, Kanan, Down, Up, Triangle

(ed. note: Problems have been reported with this cheat-it may only work on certain versions of the game!) (ed. catatan: Masalah telah dilaporkan dengan cheat ini-itu mungkin hanya bekerja pada versi tertentu dari permainan!)
[ Report ] | [ Kal ] [Laporan] | [Kal] Makes you mostly bulletproof, and fire, punches and melee attacks don't hurt you anymore. Membuat Anda kebanyakan antipeluru, dan api, huru-hara serangan pukulan dan tidak menyakiti Anda lagi. You can still be hurt by explosions, falling, getting run over, and drowning. Anda masih bisa terluka oleh ledakan, jatuh, mulai berjalan di atas, dan tenggelam.

Down, X, Right, Left, Right, R1, Right, Down, Up, Triangle. Down, X, Kanan, Kiri, Kanan, R1, Kanan, Down, Up, Triangle.
[ Report ] | [ Rendon ] [Laporan] | [Rendon] First, save your game (with a camera). Pertama, menyimpan permainan (dengan kamera). Now, press L1 to take pictures of any photos you want (save it in your gallery), until you're done photographing. Sekarang, tekan L1 untuk mengambil gambar dari setiap foto yang Anda inginkan (menyimpannya dalam galeri anda), sampai Anda selesai memotret. When you are, reset the console. Ketika Anda, mengatur ulang konsol. The photos you have taken will still be in your gallery, only you won't have lost any film! Foto yang telah diambil akan tetap ada dalam galeri anda, hanya anda tidak akan kehilangan apapun film!
[ Report ] [Report] Go to the gym in Ganton Pergi ke gym di Ganton
Kill all 4 people inside. Membunuh semua 4 orang di dalamnya.
Use the jetpack cheat. Gunakan jetpack curang.
Walk to the yellow marker with the jetpack, and fly straight up. Berjalan ke penanda kuning dengan jetpack, dan terbang lurus ke atas. You'll go straight up through the roof. Anda akan langsung naik melalui atap. Now, land on the roof. Sekarang, tanah di atap.
Fly 2 blocks east, and you'll see a yellow marker. Terbang 2 blok timur, dan Anda akan melihat tanda kuning. Land right on/near the marker, take off the jetpack, and walk inside the marker. Tanah tepat di / dekat penanda, melepas jetpack, dan berjalan di dalam penanda.
You'll enter the Angel Pine Motel building. Anda akan memasukkan Pine Motel Malaikat bangunan. Grab your jetpack (if you see it), or respawn it again with a cheat. Ambil jetpack Anda (jika Anda melihatnya), atau respawn lagi dengan penipu.
You can now fly up, and around the interior universe. Anda sekarang bisa terbang, dan seluruh interior alam semesta.

Note: This will corrupt your save file due to the cheat involved; for best results, pull out your PS2 memory card prior to your attempt. Catatan: Ini akan merusak Anda untuk menyimpan file karena cheat terlibat; untuk hasil terbaik, mengeluarkan kartu memori PS2 anda sebelum usaha Anda.
[ Report ] [Report] In Los Santos there is a wall painting with a heart, Mary and an angel on it and it says: Jesus Saves. Di Los Santos terdapat lukisan dinding dengan hati, Maria dan seorang malaikat di atasnya dan ia berkata: Jesus Saves. In GTA 1 and 2 on the buildings where you saved it said the same thing. Dalam GTA 1 dan 2 di gedung-gedung di mana Anda menyimpannya mengatakan hal yang sama.
[ Report ] [Report] At any time in the game except for in cars or safe houses enter the following code R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Down, Left, Right, R1, R2, L1, L2, Up, Down, Left, Right. Pada setiap waktu dalam permainan, kecuali untuk di mobil atau rumah aman masukkan kode berikut R1, R2, L1, L2, Atas, Bawah, Kiri, Kanan, R1, R2, L1, L2, Atas, Bawah, Kiri, Kanan. Then there will be an indicator on the top left hand corner of your screen when that happens you will get a jetpack and will be able to fly in the air. Maka akan ada indikator di pojok kiri atas layar Anda ketika itu terjadi, anda akan mendapatkan jetpack dan akan bisa terbang di udara.
[ Report ] | [ Bryan ] [Laporan] | [Bryan] When CJ jumps he is launched into the air and can jump 10 times higher than normal. Ketika CJ melompat ia diluncurkan ke udara dan dapat melompat 10 kali lebih tinggi dari biasanya. Press UP,UP, Triangle, Triangle, UP, UP, Left, Right, Circle, R2, R2. Tekan UP, UP, Triangle, Triangle, UP, UP, Kiri, Kanan, Circle, R2, R2.
[ Report ] [Report] CJ can now jump 10 times as high as before. CJ sekarang dapat melompat 10 kali lebih tinggi seperti sebelumnya. That's right, CJ's getting higher than ever. Itu benar, CJ's semakin tinggi dari sebelumnya. Up, Up, Triangle, Triangle, Up, Up, Left, Right, Square, R2, R2. Up, Up, Triangle, Triangle, Up, Up, Kiri, Kanan, Square, R2, R2.
[ Report ] [Report] Gives player a parachute. Pemain memberikan parasut. Press Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, UP, Down, Right, L1. Tekan Kiri, Kanan, L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, UP, Bawah, Kanan, L1.
[ Report ] [Report] To learn quick karate put the lock wanted level. Untuk mempelajari karate cepat menaruh kunci tingkat inginkan. Then go to las venturas. Lalu pergi ke las venturas. Go to the gym there and fight the coach and he will teach you karate. Pergi ke gym di sana dan melawan pelatih dan ia akan mengajarkan karate.
[ Report ] | [ SOUTHSIDEELBigBear ] [Laporan] | [SOUTHSIDEELBigBear] Spawn a Vortex. Menelurkan sebuah Vortex. Then enter the cheatcode that makes cars able to drive on water. Lalu masukkan cheatcode yang membuat mobil dapat mengemudi di atas air. Drive in the water with the Vortex, then spawn a hydra right infront of you. Drive di air dengan Vortex, kemudian menelurkan sebuah hak hydra Infront dari Anda. Drive over it's wings, and the hydra will levitate from the water, continuing forever. Drive di atasnya sayap, dan ular naga akan angkat dari air, terus selamanya.
[ Report ] | [ Rasmus ] [Laporan] | [Rasmus] You need to enter several codes for this one. Anda harus memasukkan beberapa kode untuk yang satu ini. First spawn a vortex. Pertama menelurkan sebuah pusaran. Then enter these two codes, Cars can fly and drive on water. Lalu masukkan kode kedua, Mobil bisa terbang dan perjalanan di atas air. Then drive into the water with the vortex. Kemudian berkendara ke dalam air dengan pusaran. Spawn any vehicle you like, drive into it, and it will levitate forever. Spawn semua kendaraan yang Anda suka, drive ke dalamnya, dan itu akan melayang selamanya. Enjoy! Menikmati!
[ Report ] | [ Rasmus ] [Laporan] | [Rasmus] To lock the wanted level, make sure you don't hav any cops on you, if so, do the "Lower Wanted Level" (R1, R1, CIRCLE, R2, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN). Untuk mengunci tingkat yang diinginkan, pastikan Anda tidak hav polisi apapun pada Anda, jika demikian, lakukan yang "Lower Wanted Level" (R1, R1, LINGKARAN, R2, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN). To lock the wanted level, Press: CIRCLE, RIGHT, CIRCLE, RIGHT, LEFT, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, UP. Untuk mengunci tingkat yang diinginkan, Press: LINGKARAN, RIGHT, CIRCLE, RIGHT, LEFT, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, UP.
[ Report ] | [ EthanMoore ] [Laporan] | [EthanMoore] 0, right, 0, right, left, square, triangle, up 0, kanan, 0, kanan, kiri, persegi, segitiga, atas

This code locks your current wanted level, it wont get higher or lower it just stays as it is. Kode ini terkunci tingkat ingin Anda saat ini, it wont mendapatkan lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah hanya tetap sebagaimana adanya.
[ Report ] | [ HappyHugh ] [Laporan] | [HappyHugh] While playing game, press R2, R2, L1, R2, Up, Down, UP, Down, Up, Down. Saat bermain game, tekan R2, R2, L1, R2, Up, Down, UP, Down, Up, Down.
[ Report ] [Report] 1: Go to the top of MT Chiliad. 1: Pergilah ke puncak MT Chiliad.
2: Look for the Moutain bike. 2: Cari Moutain sepeda.
3: It will say Chiliad Challenge. 3: Ini akan mengatakan Chiliad Challenge.
4: Start the race and jump of the ramp near the start. 4: Buat ras dan melompat dari jalan dekat awal.
5: When you jump off do as many stunts (flips,turns) but dont fall off 5: Ketika Anda terjun dari melakukan seperti banyak stunts (membalik, berubah) tapi dont jatuh
6:You will respawn at the top with the money! 6: Anda akan respawn di bagian atas dengan uang!
7: Do as many times as needed HAVE FUN! 7: Apakah sebanyak yang diperlukan HAVE FUN!
[ Report ] | [ E977 ] [Laporan] | [E977] If you want this cheat to work you need to have down the mission 'Verdant Meadows'. Jika Anda ingin menipu ini bekerja Anda harus memiliki misi menurunkan 'Klorofil Meadows'.

First go to the safe house in 'Tierra Robada' that you got when you unlocked the 'Toreno' Missions. Pertama pergi ke rumah yang aman di 'Tierra Robada' yang Anda dapatkan ketika Anda membuka 'Toreno' Misi.

Then go inside the house and there should be four weapons, an RPG, a Heatseaking RPG, a Flamethrower, and a Minigun. Lalu masuk ke dalam rumah dan harus ada empat senjata, RPG, sebuah Heatseaking RPG, sebuah Flamethrower, dan Minigun. if you don't know what a mini gun looks like it looks like a turrent. jika Anda tidak tahu apa pistol mini tampak seperti ini tampak seperti turrent.

Next go save the game just outside the house near the garage. Selanjutnya pergi menyelamatkan permainan hanya di luar rumah dekat garasi.

Once you've saved the game go back inside and get the minigun again, do this as many times as you wish. Setelah Anda menyimpan permainan kembali ke dalam dan mendapatkan minigun lagi, lakukan ini sebanyak yang Anda inginkan.

If you already know how good the minigun is dont bother reading this. Jika Anda sudah tahu betapa baiknya dont minigun mengganggu adalah membaca ini. The minigun is probaly the best gun in the game, it can destory a car in about a second and i dont even think you reload it. Yang minigun mungkin adalah senjata terbaik dalam permainan, Hancurkan dapat mobil dalam waktu sekitar satu detik dan i dont bahkan berpikir Anda memuat itu.
[ Report ] | [ eldeano123 ] [Laporan] | [eldeano123] Max Out Health, Armor & Ammo and Get Cash Max Out Health, Armor & Ammo dan Dapatkan Kas
During gameplay press R1, R2, L1, X, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up Selama gameplay tekan R1, R2, L1, X, Kiri, Bawah, Kanan, Atas, Kiri, Bawah, Kanan, Atas

Get All Weapons 1 Dapatkan Semua Senjata 1
R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up R1, R2, L1, R2, Kiri, Bawah, Kanan, Atas, Kiri, Bawah, Kanan, Atas

Get All Weapons 2 Dapatkan Semua Senjata 2
During gameplay press R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left Selama gameplay tekan R1, R2, L1, R2, Kiri, Bawah, Kanan, Atas, Kiri, Bawah, Bawah, Kiri

Get All Weapons 3 Dapatkan Semua Senjata 3
During gameplay press R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down Selama gameplay tekan R1, R2, L1, R2, Kiri, Bawah, Kanan, Atas, Kiri, Bawah, Bawah, Bawah

Raise Your Wanted Level Angkat Your Wanted Level
During gameplay press R1, R1, Circle, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right Selama gameplay tekan R1, R1, Circle, R2, Kiri, Kanan, Kiri, Kanan, Kiri, Kanan

Lower Your Wanted Level Lower Your Wanted Level
During gameplay press R1, R1, Circle, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down Selama gameplay tekan R1, R1, Circle, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down
[ Report ] | [ LeeRobinson ] [Laporan] | [LeeRobinson] To get Maximum Respect, press: L1, R1, TRIANGLE, DOWN, R2, X, L1, UP, L2, L2, L1, L1. Untuk mendapatkan Maksimum Respect, tekan: L1, R1, TRIANGLE, DOWN, R2, X, L1, UP, L2, L2, L1, L1.
[ Report ] | [ EthanMoore ] [Laporan] | [EthanMoore] To get Maximum Sex Appeal, press: CIRCLE, TRIANGLE, TRIANGLE, UP, CIRCLE, R1, L2, UP, TRIANGLE, L1, L1, L1. Untuk mendapatkan Maksimum Sex Appeal, tekan: LINGKARAN, SEGITIGA, SEGITIGA, UP, CIRCLE, R1, L2, UP, TRIANGLE, L1, L1, L1.
[ Report ] | [ EthanMoore ] [Laporan] | [EthanMoore] To get Maximum vehicle stats, press: SQUARE, L2, X, R1, L2, L2, LEFT, R1, RIGHT, L1, L1. Untuk mendapatkan kendaraan Maksimum statistik, tekan: SQUARE, L2, X, R1, L2, L2, LEFT, R1, KANAN, L1, L1. Notice that it doesn't say "Cheat Activated", due to it might be a secret, but since it doesn't say "cheat activated", check the stats, and you will notice that Bike Skill, Cycling Skill, Driving Skill and flying Skill will be full. Perhatikan bahwa tidak tertulis "Cheat Activated", karena mungkin rahasia, tapi karena tidak bilang "curang diaktifkan", periksa statistik, dan Anda akan melihat bahwa Sepeda Skill, Bersepeda Skill, Driving Skill dan Skill terbang akan penuh.
[ Report ] | [ EthanMoore ] [Laporan] | [EthanMoore] Get a mountian bike, start to reverse by hold square, while holding it, start to tap X fast.CJ's 3D frame will bend and stretch in crazy ways. Dapatkan pengunungan sepeda, mulai untuk membalikkan dengan terus persegi, sementara memegang itu, mulai tekan X fast.CJ 's 3D bingkai akan membungkuk dan meregangkan dalam cara gila. He'll even look like he's melting into the ground. Dia bahkan akan tampak seperti dia meleleh ke tanah.
[ Report ] [Report] In your safe house you can interact with the TV to play an old style retro game and in other places you will find arcades that you can also play retro games on. Dalam rumah aman Anda dapat berinteraksi dengan TV untuk memainkan permainan retro gaya lama dan di tempat-tempat lain arcade Anda akan menemukan bahwa Anda juga dapat memainkan game retro.
[ Report ] | [ LeeRobinson ] [Laporan] | [LeeRobinson] This (if done correctly) will get you a mini volcan chain gun!loads of fun! Ini (jika dilakukan dengan benar) akan memberi Anda sebuah mini rantai Volcan pistol! Banyak menyenangkan! first you must go to the garver or gant bridge (which ever one is the train bridge) and in sanfiero go to the first support of the bridge. pertama Anda harus pergi ke jembatan garver atau Gant (yang pernah salah adalah jembatan kereta api) dan pergi ke sanfiero dukungan pertama jembatan. on top of it will be a mini volcan. di atasnya akan Volcan mini. it is tricky to get but it is possible or i wouldn't have done it 12 times in a row. adalah sulit untuk mendapatkan namun ada kemungkinan atau saya tidak akan melakukannya 12 kali berturut-turut. note: it doesn't have infinite ammo but put in infinite ammo cheat and it will. catatan: tidak memiliki amunisi tak terbatas, tetapi dimasukkan ke dalam menipu dan amunisi tak terbatas akan.
[ Report ] | [ Seanm. ] [Laporan] | [Seanm.] Spawns a monster truck in front of the player. Rakasa memunculkan sebuah truk di depan pemain. Press Right, UP, R1, R1, R1, Down, Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle, L1, L1. Tekan Benar, UP, R1, R1, R1, Down, Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle, L1, L1.
[ Report ] [Report] While playing the game, enter R1, R1, R2, L1, L1, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP. Sementara memainkan permainan, masukkan R1, R1, R2, L1, L1, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP.
[ Report ] [Report] This glitch is similar to the bike morph glitch in vice city, but it has a limited area that you can use it. Glitch ini mirip dengan sepeda wakil morph glitch di kota, tetapi memiliki area yang terbatas, Anda dapat menggunakannya. In this area you can not fall off the bike, so you can do flips and all other kind of insane stunts. Di daerah ini Anda tidak dapat jatuh dari sepeda, sehingga Anda dapat melakukan membalik dan semua jenis gila stunts. To do this glitch you need:1: Go to the top of Mount Chiliad2: Get a Parachute (there's one by the Journey on top of the Mountain)3: Get on the mountain bike parked at the top of the mountain to start the mission "The Chiliad Challenge" 4: Use the ramp to the left of the beginning of the mission to fly of the mountain. Untuk melakukan hal ini glitch Anda memerlukan: 1: Pergilah ke puncak Gunung Chiliad2: Dapatkan Parasut (ada satu oleh Journey di atas Gunung) 3: Naiklah ke sepeda gunung yang diparkir di puncak gunung untuk memulai misi "The Chiliad Challenge" 4: Gunakan jalan ke sebelah kiri awal dari misi untuk terbang dari gunung. Jump off in midair and open the parachute.If done correctly you should now be morphed with the bike (parachute still open) Now you can do insane stunts without falling of your bike. Melompat di udara dan membuka parachute.If dilakukan dengan benar anda sekarang harus bermetamorfosis dengan sepeda (parasut masih terbuka) Sekarang Anda dapat melakukan stunts gila tanpa jatuh dari sepeda.
[ Report ] [Report] While playing the game, press Triangle, Up, Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Left. Sementara memainkan permainan, tekan Segitiga, Atas, Atas, Kiri, Kanan, Square, Circle, Waktu. CJ will have full muscle stats. CJ akan memiliki otot penuh statistik.
[ Report ] | [ FireElementLord ] [Laporan] | [FireElementLord] Maximum muscle. Maksimum otot. Press Triangle, Up, UP, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Left. Press Triangle, Up, UP, Kiri, Kanan, Square, Circle, Waktu.
[ Report ] [Report] There is a few NGR500's scaterd throught the game and heres the location of two. Ada beberapa NGR500's scaterd berpikir permainan dan Heres lokasi dua. one is on the first island along the coast get a jetpack and fly over the buildings and you will see it. satu berada di pulau pertama di sepanjang pantai mendapatkan jetpack dan terbang di atas gedung-gedung dan Anda akan melihatnya. Another one is in the second island airport between some hangers, there always there! Satu lagi adalah pulau kedua bandara antara beberapa gantungan baju, selalu ada di sana!
[ Report ] | [ Joshuanorman ] [Laporan] | [Joshuanorman] First you gotta use the 'lock wanted level' code: Pertama Anda harus menggunakan 'kunci tingkat ingin' kode:

O, ->, O, ->, <-, [], /. O, ->, O, ->, <-, [], /. okay, now the cops wont follow you, wherever you are (exept the restricted area). oke, sekarang polisi wont mengikuti Anda, dimanapun Anda berada (exept the area terbatas).

----- -----
Army Chopper: Leviathan -> Las Venturas Airport Darat Chopper: Leviathan -> Las Venturas Bandara
Bay Police Chopper: Maverick -> Bayside Marina Bay Polisi Chopper: Maverick -> Bayside Marina
Big Airplane: AT400 -> Las Venturas Airport hangar Big Airplane: AT400 -> Las Venturas hanggar Bandar Udara
1 men plane: DODO -> almost every airport 1 pria pesawat: dodo -> hampir setiap bandara
Private Jet: Shamal -> almost every airport Private Jet: Shamal -> hampir setiap bandara
Water Plane: Skimmer -> Tierra Robada, Water alley Air Plane: Skimmer -> Tierra Robada, Air gang
Waterjet: Squalo -> Tierra robada (near bridge) Jet air: Squalo -> Tierra robada (dekat jembatan)
Quad: Quadbike: (left)*2, (down)*2, (up)*2, [], O, /, R1, R2. Quad: Quadbike: (kiri) * 2, (bawah) * 2, (atas) * 2, [], O, /, R1, R2.
Monstertruck: Monster: right, up, (R1)*3, down, (/)*2, X, O, (L1)*2. Monstertruck: Rakasa: kanan, atas, (R1) * 3, bawah, (/) * 2, X, O, (L1) * 2.
Hover car/boat: Vortex: (/)*2, [], O, X, L1, L2, (down)*2. Hover mobil / perahu: Vortex: (/) * 2, [], O, X, L1, L2, (bawah) * 2.
Stuntplane: Stuntplane: O, up, L1, L2, down, R1, (L1)*2, (left)*2, X, /. Stuntplane: Stuntplane: O, atas, L1, L2, bawah, R1, (L1) * 2, (kiri) * 2, x, /.
Fighter Jet: Hydra: (/)*2, [], O, X, (L1)*2, down, up. Fighter Jet: Hydra: (/) * 2, [], O, X, (L1) * 2, turun, naik.
----- -----


-> = location -> = Lokasi
: = code : = Kode
(...)*2 = Two Times (...)* 2 = Dua Times
(...)*3 = Three Times (...)* 3 = Three Times
[] = Square [] = Square
/ = Triangle = Segitiga
O = Circle O = Circle
X = Cross X = Cross
[ Report ] | [ KingdomHeartsMaster ] [Laporan] | [KingdomHeartsMaster] Wanna go really fast in taxis? Ingin pergi sangat cepat di taksi? Well,check out this code! Yah, periksa kode ini!

Press Up,Left(2),Down,Circle,Square,L1(2),L2,R1,R2 during gameplay,not while paused. Tekan Up, Waktu (2), Down, Circle, Square, L1 (2), L2, R1, R2 selama bermain game, bukan saat berhenti.
[ Report ] | [ Audra ] [Laporan] | [Audra] On the mission where you have to steal dynamite for a Wuzie mission you normally have a timer but if you go to the center of the construction site there is a grey stage with a person on it and the dynamite plunger right in front of him. Pada misi di mana Anda harus mencuri dinamit untuk misi Wuzie Anda biasanya memiliki waktu tetapi jika Anda pergi ke pusat situs konstruksi ada panggung abu-abu dengan seseorang di atasnya dan pendorong dinamit tepat di depannya. If you kill him the timer will stop and you will have all of the time you need to complete this mission. Jika kau membunuhnya penghitung waktu akan berhenti dan Anda akan memiliki semua waktu yang Anda perlukan untuk menyelesaikan misi ini.
[ Report ] [Report] Start a new game and get to the OG Loc missions. Memulai permainan baru dan sampai ke OG Loc misi. At the beach mission, talk to the DJ and respond positively. Di pantai misi, berbicara dengan DJ dan merespon positif. When she says lets dance, instead of talking to her again just run away and there will be no cars on the road. Ketika ia berkata memungkinkan tari, bukannya berbicara padanya lagi hanya melarikan diri dan tidak akan ada mobil di jalan. Save game, so you can do this whenever you wantSome fun things to do with this glitch are to turn on "all people hate you" cheat for zombie style survival horror game, or turn up the wanted level for fastest police chases ever. Simpan permainan, sehingga Anda dapat melakukannya kapan saja Anda wantSome menyenangkan untuk melakukan sesuatu dengan gangguan ini adalah untuk mengaktifkan "semua orang benci kamu" curang untuk kelangsungan hidup horor zombie gaya permainan, atau yang ingin menaikkan tingkat tercepat yang pernah kejar-kejaran polisi.
[ Report ] [Report] To do an on ground front flip get a Quad bike (four wheeler) and go really fast when you get speed do a stopie and hold forward down until you do a front flip. Untuk melakukan penerjunan di atas tanah depan mendapatkan sepeda Quad (empat roda) dan pergi sangat cepat ketika Anda mendapatkan kecepatan melakukan stopie maju terus ke bawah sampai Anda melakukan flip depan. This may only work if your bike skill is all the way up. Ini mungkin hanya bekerja jika Anda keterampilan sepeda sepanjang jalan.
[ Report ] | [ JasonD. ] [Laporan] | [JasonD.] Press R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, TRIANGLE. Tekan R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, SEGITIGA.
[ Report ] [Report] Go to the top of the tallest bulding in Los Santos and get the parachute at the top. Pergi ke puncak tertinggi bulding di Los Santos dan mendapatkan parasut di bagian atas. Now jump off it and press circle to use the parachute. Sekarang melompat dan tekan lingkaran untuk menggunakan parasut. Fly into the yellow marker at the the bottom of tallest building (make sure you're holding down on the thumbstick) and when you stop running the parachute will stay in the weapons square in the top of the screen. Terbang ke penanda kuning di bagian bawah bangunan tertinggi (pastikan anda menekan di thumbstick) dan ketika Anda berhenti menjalankan parasut akan tinggal di alun-alun senjata di bagian atas layar. If you jump off another building or out of a plane etc. you will be falling not skydiving and you also can't change weapons. Jika Anda terjun dari gedung lain atau keluar dari pesawat dll, Anda tidak akan jatuh skydiving dan Anda juga tidak dapat mengubah senjata. The only time you can use a weapon is when you are in a car or motorbike. Satu-satunya waktu Anda dapat menggunakan senjata adalah ketika Anda berada dalam sebuah mobil atau sepeda motor. When you want to get rid of the parachute just get wasted or busted. Bila Anda ingin menyingkirkan parasut hanya mendapatkan terbuang atau rusak.
[ Report ] | [ HappyHugh ] [Laporan] | [HappyHugh] 2 places where you can find the parachute are, a very, very tall building in downtown Los Santos, on the map its a big rectangle with an oval in it, the other is at the top of Arco Del Oeste in Tierra Robada on the 3rd island, however, once you have a pilots licenece, which you get from doing the tests on the old abandoned runway you buy, when you bail out of any aircraft, you will have a parachute. 2 tempat di mana Anda dapat menemukan parasut ini, yang sangat, sangat tinggi bangunan di pusat kota Los Santos, pada peta yang besar dengan oval persegi panjang di dalamnya, yang lainnya adalah di bagian atas Arco di Tierra Del Oeste Robada pada ke-3 Pulau Namun, sekali Anda memiliki pilot licenece, yang Anda dapatkan dari melakukan tes pada landasan ditinggalkan lama Anda membeli, ketika Anda membayar uang jaminan keluar dari pesawat apapun, Anda akan memiliki parasut.
[ Report ] | [ GinjaNinja ] [Laporan] | [GinjaNinja] When you have a wanted level of any number of stars drive your car inside the pay and spray but before the door closes get out of the car. Bila Anda memiliki tingkat menginginkan sejumlah bintang berkendara di dalam mobil Anda membayar dan semprot tapi sebelum menutup pintu keluar dari mobil. Aim your gun to look ahead and the cops, FBI, even the army will walk right by you even if you attack them while inside the pay and spray they wont see you. Tujuan pistol Anda untuk melihat ke depan dan polisi, FBI, bahkan tentara akan berjalan langsung oleh Anda, bahkan jika Anda menyerang mereka sementara di dalam membayar dan semprot mereka wont melihat Anda. To get more cops to enter the area just exit the pay and spray and enter again. Untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak polisi untuk memasuki daerah hanya membayar dan keluar dari semprotan dan masukkan lagi. When you have grown tired of fighting just enter your car and the pay and spray door will close and then drive away with a clean slate. Bila Anda telah tumbuh lelah bertempur cukup masukkan mobil dan semprot membayar dan pintu akan menutup dan kemudian mengusir dengan bersih.
[ Report ] [Report] Go to the pay and spray, then bring one car half way to keep the door from closing and then push it inside with another car. Pergi ke membayar dan semprot, kemudian membawa mobil setengah satu cara untuk menjaga pintu menutup dan kemudian mendorongnya masuk dengan mobil lain. The two cars will be fixed for the price of one. Kedua mobil akan diperbaiki untuk harga satu.
[ Report ] [Report] Press DOWN, LEFT, UP, LEFT, X, R2, R1, L2, L1. Tekan DOWN, LEFT, UP, LEFT, X, R2, R1, L2, L1. Cannot be disabled. Tidak dapat dinonaktifkan.
[ Report ] [Report] Press R2, R1, X, TRIANGLE, X, TRIANGLE, UP, DOWN. Tekan R2, R1, X, SEGITIGA, X, SEGITIGA, UP, DOWN.
[ Report ] [Report] During game play press TRIANGLE, R1, R1, LEFT, R1, L1, R2, L1. Selama permainan game tekan Segitiga, R1, R1, LEFT, R1, L1, R2, L1.
[ Report ] [Report] During game play press CIRCLE, L1, DOWN, L2, LEFT, X, R1, L1, RIGHT, CIRCLE. Selama permainan game tekan LINGKARAN, L1, BAWAH, L2, LEFT, X, R1, L1, RIGHT, CIRCLE.
[ Report ] [Report] To get the car you were busted in go to the local city police station (LSPD, SFPD, and LVPD) and enter the garage with a police vehicle. Untuk mendapatkan mobil yang Anda mendobrak masuk ke kantor polisi kota setempat (LSPD, SFPD, dan LVPD) dan masukkan garasi dengan kendaraan polisi. Drive down to the very end of the garage to find your car you were busted in. Drive sampai ke ujung garasi mobil Anda untuk menemukan Anda rusak masuk
[ Report ] [Report] Spawns a quad in front of the player. Memunculkan sebuah quad di depan pemain. Press Left, Left, Down, Down, UP, UP, Square, Circle, Triangle R1, R2. Tekan Waktu, Waktu, Down, Down, UP, UP, Square, Circle, Triangle R1, R2.
[ Report ] [Report] While playing the game, your hood will undergo attacks from other factions. Sementara memainkan permainan, Anda akan mengalami serangan tudung dari faksi lain. To save yourself some time and end these disaster quickly, simply jack any vehice in which you can access extra missions using R3 ( for example: police vehicles, fire vehicles, taxicabs, ambulance ). Untuk Anda bisa menghemat waktu dan berakhir bencana ini dengan cepat, cukup jack vehice apapun di mana Anda dapat mengakses dengan menggunakan R3 misi tambahan (misalnya: polisi kendaraan, kendaraan pemadam kebakaran, taksi, ambulans). Start and end the extra mission (press R3 and exit the vehicle) and your hood will no longer undergo attack. Awal dan akhir misi tambahan (tekan R3 dan keluar dari kendaraan) dan kerudung Anda tidak akan lagi mengalami serangan.
[ Report ] [Report] If you leave your PS2 running in order to build up money at your safe house you will eventually lose all your life from hunger and end up in the hospital. Jika Anda meninggalkan PS2 berjalan dalam rangka untuk membangun uang di rumah aman Anda pada akhirnya Anda akan kehilangan semua kehidupan Anda dari rasa lapar dan berakhir di rumah sakit. However, if you go into CJ's house and leave him playing the video game system in the living room, money will still build up and his health will no longer deplete. Namun, jika Anda masuk ke CJ rumah dan meninggalkan dia bermain sistem permainan video di ruang tamu, uang akan tetap membangun dan kesehatan tidak akan lagi menguras.
[ Report ] [Report] During game play press R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, CIRCLE. Selama permainan game tekan R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, LINGKARAN.
[ Report ] [Report] While playing the game, press Up, L1, R1, Up, Right, Up, X, L2, X, L1. Sementara memainkan permainan, tekan Up, L1, R1, Up, Right, Up, X, L2, X, L1. This will make rare cars appear on the streets. Ini akan membuat mobil jarang muncul di jalanan. These are some of the best cars in the game, and they go pretty fast. Ini adalah beberapa mobil yang terbaik dalam permainan, dan mereka pergi dengan cepat.
[ Report ] | [ FireElementLord ] [Laporan] | [FireElementLord] Press R2, R2, R2, X, L2, L1, R2, L1, DOWN, X. Recruits get rocket launchers if they don't already have weapons. Tekan R2, R2, R2, X, L2, L1, R2, L1, DOWN, X. recruits mendapatkan peluncur roket jika mereka belum memiliki senjata.
[ Report ] | [ Rendon ] [Laporan] | [Rendon] Whenever your nitro runs out, leave your vechicle and get back in. Your nitro will be replenished and you won't have to wait two minutes for it to refill. Setiap kali Anda habis nitro, meninggalkan vechicle dan kembali masuk nitro Anda akan terisi kembali dan Anda tidak perlu menunggu dua menit untuk itu untuk mengisi ulang.
[ Report ] [Report] When you need to reload quickly press L2 then R2 or vice versa just before CJ runs out of ammo and you will instantly reload. Bila Anda perlu memuat ulang dengan cepat tekan L2 lalu R2 atau sebaliknya CJ tepat sebelum kehabisan amunisi dan Anda akan segera reload.
[ Report ] [Report] Get a lowrider that has hydraulics equiped. Dapatkan hidrolika Lowrider yang telah dilengkapi. If you drive into the water, hit L3, or R3, and it will fill the air supply meter all the way back up instantly. Jika Anda berkendara ke air, tekan L3, atau R3, dan akan mengisi pasokan udara meter sepanjang perjalanan kembali ke atas langsung.
[ Report ] [Report] Simply all you have to do is to go to Los Santos or San Fierro and catch a plane to Las Venturas and when you get there check the map in your start menu. Cukup semua yang harus Anda lakukan adalah pergi ke Los Santos, San Fierro dan naik pesawat ke Las Venturas dan ketika kau sampai di sana memeriksa peta dalam menu start. All of Las Venturas map will be revealed. Semua peta Las Venturas akan terungkap.
[ Report ] | [ CJ ] [Laporan] | [CJ] To get lots of money you must first enter the code for flying cars then, go for a fly around the islands,after you have flew around for a bit pick a nice easy place to land your car (an airport works great) as soon as you land you will get an insane stunt bonus and the longer you have flown around the more money you will get when you land.(to get even more money why not do some loop the loops to boost you profits. ENJOY... Untuk mendapatkan banyak uang Anda harus terlebih dahulu masukkan kode untuk mobil-mobil terbang itu, pergi untuk terbang di sekitar pulau, setelah Anda terbang berkeliling sebentar mudah memilih tempat yang baik untuk tanah mobil Anda (sebuah bandara works great) segera setelah Anda mendarat Anda akan mendapatkan bonus akrobat gila dan semakin lama anda telah terbang sekitar semakin banyak uang yang akan Anda dapatkan ketika Anda tanah. (untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak uang mengapa tidak melakukan beberapa loop loop untuk meningkatkan laba Anda. ENJOY ...
[ Report ] | [ ryanG ] [Laporan] | [ryanG] Have you ever wanted to go to a destination, but couldn't find it? Pernahkah Anda ingin pergi ke tempat tujuan, tapi tidak bisa menemukannya? Keep on taking the wrong streets? Terus mengambil jalan yang salah? Then you need to know this! Maka anda perlu mengetahui hal ini! This is in the San Andreas Guidbook that comes with the game. It says, "Move the target on the map (start menu) to where you want to go. Press O to drop a destination marker there." Back in game the mini map will have a little mark pointing out where your destination is! Very helpfull! Try it out. Mencobanya.
[ Report ] | [ Dave ] For those missions. Where you are up againist many foes at one time and you can get a vechile to the mission area. Just get a vechile and get going fast enough. So when you hit them it kills them. When the vechile starts on fire. Just get and get another one. And remember the vechiles that can take a beating before setting on fire.
[ Report ] | [ CaptianSpanky ] In one of Zero's mission, where you have to use the machine gun to knock down the RC planes, you can see some action figures of Rockstar characters like Tommy Vercetti, Lance Vance, as well as characters from other games in Rockstar's line-up during Zero's dialogue. Dalam salah satu misi Nol, di mana Anda harus menggunakan senapan mesin untuk merobohkan RC pesawat, Anda dapat melihat beberapa tindakan Rockstar karakter tokoh-tokoh seperti Tommy Vercetti, Lance Vance, serta karakter dari permainan lainnya di Rockstar's line-up selama nol's dialog.
[ Report ] [Report] Press L1(2), R1(2), L2, L1, R2, Down, Left, Up during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Sebuah pesan akan mengkonfirmasi entri kode yang benar. Vehicles that are normally found in rural areas will now appear regularly and CJ will have hillbilly gear. Kendaraan yang biasanya ditemukan di daerah pedesaan sekarang akan muncul secara teratur dan CJ akan memiliki peralatan gunung.
[ Report ] [Report] Flying School: West of las venturas airport, Julius Thruway West - Blackfield (red S).

Boating School: Bayside Marina, most East Dock (red S).

Driving School: Doherty - Garcia, south of save house, (res S).
[ Report ] | [ KingdomHeartsMaster ] Enter the code where cars can drive on water. When you have done that, drive in the water in a vortex. then spawn a hydra (jet) right infront of you in the water. Then drive over it, by using its wings as ramps. If done correctly, the Hydra should move up in the air, and keep on going till its out of sight... Enjoy! Menikmati!
[ Report ] | [ Rasmus ] In Los Santos, go inside any police station and go into the shower room. Di Los Santos, masuk ke dalam kantor polisi apapun dan pergi ke kamar mandi. Inside you will find a purple sex toy you can use as a very powerful weapon. Di dalamnya Anda akan menemukan mainan seks ungu dapat Anda gunakan sebagai senjata yang sangat kuat.
[ Report ] [Report] At any random time in the game type in Up, Up, Square, L2, Right, X, R1, Down, R2, O. At that time a box will show up on the left hand top corner of the screen to indicate that the code is in effect.Then get in any car and you will be halfway out the car window shooting your gun.To deactivate this code type the same code in again.
[ Report ] | [ Bryan ] To get a six star wanted level, no matter what city you're in, press Circle, Right, Circle, Right, Left, Square, X, Down.
[ Report ] | [ FireElementLord ] Minimum fat and muscle. Press Triangle, UP, UP, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Right.
[ Report ] [Report] You can skip songs on the radio. Anda dapat melewatkan lagu-lagu di radio. Change to another station, then change back to the station playing the song you hate. Ubah ke stasiun lain, kemudian ubah kembali ke stasiun memainkan lagu yang Anda benci. As soon as the text at the top of the screen saying the name of the station turns yellow, before the station starts to play, change the station again. Begitu teks di bagian atas layar mengucapkan nama stasiun berubah menjadi kuning, sebelum stasiun mulai bermain, mengubah stasiun lagi. Change back to the original station, and it will have skipped whatever song it was playing. Ubah kembali ke stasiun asli, dan itu akan melewatkan apa pun lagu itu sedang bermain.
[ Report ] [Report] During game play press TIRANGLE, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, SQUARE, R2, R1.
[ Report ] [Report] While your in a vehicle, change the radio channel to WCTR, if you listen long enough you will hear the news. Now thats not very important but if you hear the news at the right time in the game, you will hear about big smoke opening and orphanage then the reporter calls smoke "The los santos goodguy." Wow they are in for a suprise later in the game.
[ Report ] | [ TJ ] At 12:01 AM in San Fierro all of the snapshot areas glow. At 12:01 AM in San Fierro semua daerah snapshot cahaya.
[ Report ] [Report] During game play press DOWN, R1, CIRCLE, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, LEFT, LEFT.
[ Report ] [Report] During game play Press CIRCLE, L1, UP, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, CIRCLE, X.
[ Report ] [Report] During game play press R1, CIRCLE, R2, RIGHT, L1, L2, X, X, SQUARE, R1. Selama permainan game tekan R1, LINGKARAN, R2, KANAN, L1, L2, X, X, SQUARE, R1.
[ Report ] [Report] During game play press R2, L1, CIRCLE, RIGHT, L1, R1, RIGHT, UP, CIRCLE, R2. Selama permainan game tekan R2, L1, CIRCLE, RIGHT, L1, R1, RIGHT, UP, LINGKARAN, R2.
[ Report ] [Report] To spawn a Hunter from the sky (from Vice City), press: CIRCLE, X, L1, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, L1, CIRCLE, R1, R2, L2, L1, L1.
[ Report ] | [ EthanMoore ] During game play press L1, L2, R1, R2, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, L1, L2, R1, R2, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT. Selama permainan game tekan L1, L2, R1, R2, UP, DOWN, LEFT, KANAN, L1, L2, R1, R2, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT.
[ Report ] [Report] While playing the game, press Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, Up, Down, Right, L1. You will automatically get a parachute. Anda akan secara otomatis mendapatkan parasut. This goes great with the Floating Cars and Infinate Health codes because you can jump out and not get killed.
[ Report ] | [ FireElementLord ] During game play press UP, RIGHT, RIGHT, L1, RIGHT, UP, SQUARE, L2. Selama permainan game tekan UP, KANAN, KANAN, L1, RIGHT, UP, SQUARE, L2.
[ Report ] [Report] During game play press DOWN, R2, DOWN, R1, L2, LEFT, R1, L1, LEFT, RIGHT. Selama permainan game tekan BAWAH, R2, BAWAH, R1, L2, LEFT, R1, L1, KIRI, KANAN.
[ Report ] [Report] During game play press R2, UP, L2, LEFT, LEFT, R1, L1, CIRCLE, RIGHT. Selama permainan game tekan R2, UP, L2, LEFT, LEFT, R1, L1, CIRCLE, RIGHT.
[ Report ] [Report] To Spawn Tanker with Petrol Trailer: press: R1, UP, LEFT, RIGHT, R2, UP, RIGHT, SQUARE, RIGHT, L2, L1, L1.
[ Report ] | [ EthanMoore ] During game play press CIRCLE, R1, CIRCLE, R1, LEFT, LEFT, R1, L1, CIRCLE, RIGHT.
[ Report ] [Report]
Unlock Rhino
During gameplay press Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle

Unlock Bloodring Banger
During gameplay press Down, R1, Circle, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, Left, Left

Unlock Police Ranger
During gameplay press Up, Right, Right, L1, Right, Up, Square, L2

Unlock Hotring Racer #1
During gameplay press R1, Circle, R2, Right, L1, L2, X, X, Square, R1

Unlock Hotring Racer #2
During gameplay press R2, L1, Circle, Right, L1, R1, Right, Up, Circle, R2

Unlock Romero Unlock Romero
During gameplay press Down, R2, Down, R1, L2, Left, R1, L1, Left, R

Unlock Stretch
During gameplay press R2, Up, L2, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, R

Unlock Trashmaster Unlock Trashmaster
During gameplay press Circle, R1, Circle, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right

Unlock Caddy
During gameplay press Circle, L1, Up, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, X
[ Report ] | [ LeeRobinson ] To stop a rival gang from taking your Territories, go to a safe house and save when ever the message "your area is under attack" appears on the screen. Untuk menghentikan geng saingan mengambil Daerah Anda, pergi ke rumah yang aman dan menyelamatkan ketika pernah pesan "daerah Anda sedang diserang" muncul di layar. This will stop the attack and you get to keep you area. Hal ini akan menghentikan serangan dan Anda mendapatkan untuk menjaga daerah Anda.
[ Report ] [Report] Spawns a stunt plane in front of the player. Press Circle, UP, L1, L2, Down, R1, L1, L1, Left, Left, X, Triangle.
[ Report ] [Report] Press RIGHT, L2, RIGHT, R1, LEFT, LEFT, R1, L1, L2, L1.
[ Report ] [Report] This requires that you are have a gun that can be used while riding a bicycle. Hal ini menuntut bahwa Anda memiliki senjata yang dapat digunakan saat mengendarai sepeda. Immediately after you release the jump button (L1), tap circle. Segera setelah Anda melepas tombol lompat (L1), tekan lingkaran. You should tap and release fast enough so the gun does not actually fire. Anda harus tekan dan lepaskan cukup cepat sehingga tidak benar-benar senjata api. You can jump over 2 stories high this way if you time it right. Anda bisa melompat lebih dari 2 cerita tinggi cara ini jika Anda waktu yang tepat.
[ Report ] [Report] To get a super bmx find a normal bmx bike and while you are on it put on the jetpack cheat. Then you should get the jetpack while you are on the bike. This will make the bike go faster but will not be able to make you fly while doing this.
[ Report ] | [ gtaguy ] In the mission the end of the line, get to the crak storehouse and you will have to breake in with the tank. instead, drive the tank to sweets car and kill him so you faill and then bring it to a garage.
[ Report ] | [ alex ] First thing you need to do is get a "Maverick" Helicopter either from the San Fierro Airport or the Police Station also at San Fierro, then fly it over to a block in Los Santos that Grove Street runs ( it will be highlighted in GREEN on your map) and recruit some gang members (max. 3) and hop back in the Maverickand the other members will get in the other doors. If done sucessfully you will be able to fly your gang members around Los Santos,San Fierro or Las Venturas.
[ Report ] | [ lil_pimp_101 ] The easiest way to gain terrority in los santos. Is to use a tank, because the hardness will very on what gang your are fighting. They go from complete wimps, to full blown born killers. To get the tank you need to be able to get into Las Venturas. This done by completing the main story missions. First you get San Fierro then you get Las Venturas. There's a army base south of the Verdant Meadows Airstrip. It's a safehouse you buy for $80,000. You get a special flying craft for completing the missions for the Verdant Meadows Airstrip. I ain't saying it's name cause it'll ruin that part of the game for you. This what I used to get into the army base and take the tank. Then take back to the airstrip and put into the airplane garage. Then go save this will get rid of your wanted level. Then go to Santa Maria beach in Los Santos with the tank. The safehouse there is only one I found big enough to hold the tank so that you can get back in and take the tank out. I don't remember how much the safehouse is. After you got the tank in the garage and saved. Go to one of the areas in Los Santos with the tank that you can start a gang war in. You can find out by bringing up the the map. Once in an area look for gang members in groups. There mostly in packs of three. Once you find a group exit the tank. Make sure they are and you are in the area you want to start a gang war in. Then kill the gang members and once the game tells you that you started a gang war get back in your tank. And then you just run them over till you kill them all and win the area. Don't use the canon to kill them you have a much better chance of not getting a wanted level if you just run them over. And by holding R1 down you can make the tank do some very sharp turns.
[ Report ] | [ Larry ] There are three different types of fighting styles that are in the game, to use one, you must first get your muscle strength up to "buff" by working out in the gym. Ada tiga jenis gaya yang berjuang dalam permainan, untuk menggunakan satu, Anda harus terlebih dahulu mendapatkan kekuatan otot Anda sampai dengan "penggemar" dengan bekerja di gym. Next go fight the master of the gym that you are in by stepping into the red marker next to him. Selanjutnya pergi melawan penguasa gym bahwa Anda berada dalam dengan melangkah ke spidol merah di sebelahnya. Once you defeat the master of the gym, he will show you different attacks that you now have, you use these with the triangle button. Setelah Anda mengalahkan tuan gym, ia akan memperlihatkan kepada Anda berbagai serangan yang sekarang Anda miliki, Anda menggunakan ini dengan tombol segitiga. If you beat the master of the Los Santos gym, you now learn some boxing moves, the San Fierro gym, Martial Arts, and the Las Venturas Gym, Kick Boxing. Jika Anda mengalahkan tuan Los Santos olahraga, anda sekarang belajar beberapa tinju bergerak, San Fierro gym, Martial Arts, dan Las Venturas Gym, Kick Boxing. The moves you currently have depend on the last master that you defeated.
[ Report ] [Report] When you completed all of Torenos mission you can go into his house and you will find a rocketlauncher,a flamethrower,a heatseaker and a minigun.
[ Report ] | [ FarkasÁdám ] When you completed all of Torenos mission you can go into his house and you will find a rocketlauncher,a heatseaker,a flamethrower and a minigun.
[ Report ] | [ FarkasÁdám ] Here's a nifty way if you are starting out a new game and want to get to other places. Get a vehicle and locate the train tracks. Drive along the tracks untill you find a parked or moving train (if it is moving, follow it untill it stops at a station). Get in the train (you might encounter a driver if the train was moving, take him out just incase he manages to get you out of the train). Once in drive it in the EASTERN direction. Keep on going, past the woodland areas untill your train slows down automatically. It does this because up ahead there is a block to the other part of the city. Now just go in the opposite direction (I think reverse is easier because it seems it is less prone to derail). Keep on going in that direction (wether it be reverse or not). DO NOT STOP. Your train will speed up quite a bit when you get back in the city, and around the point of a sharp turn, your train will start to rattle, signifying a possible derailment. DO NOT STOP. This is crucial that you do not let up on the throttle. You will then enter a tunnel a fast speeds, and near the end of it, start to automatically slow down; but at the speed you are at now, you will make it through the barrier (Though it will be very close, you will need all the speed you can get). There you go!, just travel along, opening up more of the map. Though be warned, you will have a 4 star rating, and even the police bribe you may get if you drive the train through the city part wont stop it (it will bring it down to 3, then immediatly back up to 4).
[ Report ] | [ Grandalus ] In Los Santos, at the Unity Station, look at the tunnel in which the train goes into. Di Los Santos, di Stasiun Persatuan, lihat di terowongan di mana kereta api masuk ke dalam. And look at the sign above it. Dan melihat tanda di atasnya. Zoom into it with a sniper or camera. Zoom ke dalamnya dengan penembak jitu atau kamera. The sign reads: True Grime Street Cleaners. Tanda berbunyi: Benar kotoran Street Cleaners.
[ Report ] [Report] During the game press Up, Up, Down, Down, X, Triangle.
[ Report ] | [ chito'sgirlyadira ] You'll need a jetpack to explore the Underworld.Gate#1: Go to the sea's cliffs east of Los Venturas near Sobell Rail Yard. Now fly along the ledge near water level. Sekarang terbang sepanjang langkan dekat permukaan air. There is a glitchy rock wall that you can pass through in one point. Ada dinding batu glitchy bahwa Anda dapat melewati satu titik. The wall twitches and shakes. Dinding berkedut dan getar. When you get in, you may have to fly north a little before it lets you get under fully.Gate#2: It's in a corner wall of your safehouse in Vinewood, right by the pool. Ketika Anda masuk, Anda mungkin harus terbang ke utara sedikit sebelum itu mari Anda dapatkan di bawah fully.Gate # 2: Itu di sudut dinding safehouse Anda di Vinewood, tepat di samping kolam renang. Just walk into the wall at different spots until you find it. Hanya berjalan ke dinding di tempat yang berbeda sampai Anda menemukannya.
[ Report ] [Report] During Gamplay Press - L1, R1, Square, R1, Left, R2, R1, Left, Square, Down, L1, L1.
[ Report ] | [ Kal ] L1, R1, square, R1, left, R2, R1, left, square, down, L1, L1.
[ Report ] | [ HappyHugh ] To unlock the jet pack, Beat all of the air strip missions and it will spawn next to the safe house entrance at the air strip.
[ Report ] [Report] Use the Vortex between El Quebrados and the abandoned airfield to take the small unique jump ramp that's on the back of the small shack it's parked next to. Gunakan Vortex antara El Quebrados dan meninggalkan bandara untuk mengambil jalan kecil melompat unik yang ada di bagian belakang gubuk kecil itu diparkir di samping. When you land in the water, the unique jump slow-motion cinema should keep going, with the camera fixed in one spot. Ketika Anda mendarat di air, yang unik gerakan lambat melompat bioskop harus tetap berjalan, dengan kamera tetap di satu tempat. Drive way out into the reservoir, and towards the dam, to the left of the camera's view. Drive jalan keluar ke reservoir, dan ke arah bendungan, di sebelah kiri dari pandangan kamera. You'll disappear from view, but keep going. Anda akan menghilang dari pandangan, tapi terus berjalan. Eventually you'll run into the side of the dam and the cinema will end, leaving you under water and able to steer the Vortex like a submarine, without draining lung capacity or anything, as if you weren't underwater at all. Pada akhirnya Anda akan lari ke sisi bendungan dan bioskop akan berakhir, meninggalkan Anda di bawah air dan mampu mengarahkan Vortex seperti kapal selam, tanpa menguras kapasitas paru-paru atau apa, seolah-olah Anda tidak air sama sekali.
[ Report ] [Report] Whatever vehicle the player is using becomes invulnerable and gains the old tank ability to instantly destroy anything it touches. Apa pun kendaraan pemain menggunakan menjadi kebal dan keuntungan tangki lama kemampuan untuk segera menghancurkan apapun yang disentuhnya. Press L1, L2, L2, UP, Down, Down, UP, R1, R2, R2.
[ Report ] [Report] Get a bmx bike and get on it. Then when your on it use the 'jetpack appears' cheat (left, right, L1, L2, R1, R2, up, down, left, right) now start pressing the X button and the jetpack should start vibrating.
[ Report ] | [ HappyHugh ] Spawns a hovercraft in front of the player. Press Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L2, Down, Down. Press Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L2, Down, Down.
[ Report ] [Report] To walk underwater follow this steps

1. 1. Go to a multiplayer spot.
2. 2. Go to the dam on the third island.
3. 3. Player 1 gets into the skimmer near the water.
4. 4. Player 2 go to the driver side and get in.

Player 1 should fall to the bottom of the dam. Player 1 can spawn any vehicle while underwater. Watch your distance. You may want to put the unlimited breath cheat on so player 2 can follow player 1.
[ Report ] | [ Onslaught ] Somehow get your seaplane hijacked. a good way to do this is on 2 player. player 1 get into the seaplane and player 2 hijack it! Easy... Mudah ... player 1 will then be able to walk on the sea/lake floor. to get back up, use jetpack (underwater!) or walk up bank to beach/ rocks.
[ Report ] | [ Ryzogama ] To erase your Wanted Level, enter the following during gameplay: R1, R1, CIRCLE, R2, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN. Menghapus Wanted Level Anda, masukkan berikut ini selama bermain game: R1, R1, LINGKARAN, R2, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN.
[ Report ] [Report] To raise your Wanted Level, enter the following during gameplay: R1, R1, CIRCLE, R2, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT. Untuk menaikkan Level Wanted Anda, masukkan berikut ini selama bermain game: R1, R1, LINGKARAN, R2, KIRI, KANAN, KIRI, KANAN, KIRI, KANAN.
[ Report ] [Report] (Bat, Pistol, Shotgun, Mini SMG, AK 47, Rocket Launcher, Molotov Cocktail, Spray Can, Brass Knuckles) R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up.
[ Report ] [Report] R1, R2, L1, R2, left, down, right, up, left, down, right, up

( brass knuckles, baseball bat, handgun, shotgun, uzi, ak-47, rifle, rocket laucher, molotov cocktails, spray can )
[ Report ] | [ HappyHugh ] R1, R2, L1, R2, left, down, right, up, left, down(2), left

( knife, handgun, sawn-off shotgun, tec-9, m4 carbine, sniper rifle, flamethrower, grenades, fire extinguisher )
[ Report ] | [ HappyHugh ] (Knife, Pistol, Sawnoff Shotgun, Tec 9, Sniper Rifle, Flamethrower, Grenades, Fire Extinguisher) During gameplay, press R1, R2, L1, R2, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT.
[ Report ] [Report] R1, R2, L1, R2, left, down, right, up, left, down(3)

( chainsaw, silenced handgun, combat shotgun, mp5, m4 carbine, SAM missile launcher, satchel charges )
[ Report ] | [ HappyHugh ] (Chainsaw, Silenced Pistol, Combat Shotgun, M4, Bazooka, Plastic Explosive) During gameplay, press R1, R2, L1, R2, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN.
[ Report ] [Report] Morning Pagi
During gameplay press R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square

Noon Nun
During gameplay press R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Down

Night Malam
During gameplay press R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Triangle

Storms Badai
During gameplay press R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Circle
[ Report ] | [ LeeRobinson ] Go to the gym at ganton and kill the four people inside it then use the 'jetpack appears' cheat (left, right, L1, L2, R1, R2, up, down, left, right) and stand on the yellow marker iside the gym and fly straight up. You will now be in a weird black place. If you want to get out just kill yourself.
[ Report ] | [ HappyHugh ] At the top right of the outside walls of Caligula's Casino, you will see a wall indentation like this /¯\. If you walk towards the back wall slowly, you should get stuck up to your knees. Pedestrians will also be stuck and not be able to do anything.
[ Report ] [Report] To do this go to any airport, and book a flight to anywhere. Untuk melakukan ini, pergi ke setiap bandara, dan memesan penerbangan ke mana pun. When you see the plane appear on the runway put in the "destroy all vehicles" cheat. Ketika Anda melihat pesawat muncul di landasan dimasukkan dalam "menghancurkan semua kendaraan" menyontek. You will die, and be sent to the nearest hospital, but the screen will stay wide screen. Anda akan mati, dan akan dikirim ke rumah sakit terdekat, tetapi layar akan tetap layar lebar. Ya know black bars at the top, and bottom of the screen. Ya know black bar di bagian atas, dan bawah layar. Note:The only way to get out of the wide screen mode is to book another flight, and either jump out of the plane, continue to the other airport, or do a mission. Catatan: Satu-satunya cara untuk keluar dari modus layar lebar adalah buku penerbangan lain, dan baik melompat keluar dari pesawat, lanjutkan ke bandara lain, atau melakukan suatu misi. Also you will not be able to see the map, health, or armor bars, weapon, money, wanted lvl. Juga anda tidak akan dapat melihat peta, kesehatan, atau baju besi bar, senjata, uang, ingin lvl. and you cannot pause, or save the game. dan Anda tidak dapat berhenti, atau menyimpan permainan.
[ Report ] [Report] When doing the Chiliad challenge let the other racers finish before you. Ketika melakukan tantangan Chiliad membiarkan pembalap lain selesai sebelum Anda. Then stop before hitting the final marker and get off. Next get out a sniper rifle and snipe all of the competitors. Berikutnya keluar senapan penembak jitu dan berkik semua pesaing. After each snipe you'll notice your position is going up. Setelah setiap berkik Anda akan melihat posisi Anda akan naik. If you snipe them all you will be in first place. Jika Anda berkik mereka semua Anda akan berada di tempat pertama.

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